Shots Fired



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Funny, he pays us no mind; just like his brother has been paying for everything hes owned for 20 years. Fucking worthless zilch

Wordplay yuma

Joe is one of those typical pussies who cream their pants for a George Zimmerman type moment just to get away with shootimg someone. Pseudo tough guy faggot.

He just threatened ISIS on Facebook, quoting Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting: "I will end you!" So all's good.

What's he going to do? Take more selfies of himself, trying to look badass in his Sons Of Anarchy shirt.

Maybe he'll teach them to love mankind (and themselves) with the healing power of some U2 and Journey cover songs.

Joe really has it all figured out

Literally myself and any man I am friends with could beat Anthony and Joe Cumia within an inch of their life with little to no effort. Brother Joe made his brother buy him a motorcycle so that he could finally feel what it was like to have something powerful between his legs. These two are the biggest keyboard warriors pussies in the world today. 60 year old charity case cum stain.

Sorry to say Anthony has a chance at beating me in a fight. I'd be hesitant to hit an old lady and he might be smart enough to rush in and bite my hands before I could do anything.

irrelevant man gets off on the thought of people caring bout him

I want to throw toilet paper over his house so badly.