Of course this guy has no comment on the Manchester bombing

0  2017-05-23 by unclepaul84


He's waiting to see how Rachel Maddow and her ilk pin this on Trump before he can parrot that but in an even less funny way and to more adulation from his droves of sycophantic cancerous fans.

The dudes Indian, he's not even from the Middle East or even Muslim for that matter... that being said, he's still a fag.

He was raised Muslim in Pakistan.

He will eventually and it will be how horrible it is for him to endure all the fresh racism he has to encounter.

he'll remind us whites are also bad, misogyny had more to do with it than Islam, what can you expect with the oppression Muslims face in the west

That's fucked up. I was really waiting for his take on this. Sad, really.

Drone this.