Ariana Grande pulls a Schumer and bombs

23  2017-05-22 by ScoobyDoo4U2

Too soon?


Just sloppy, but if I could be honest for a second I think Amy Schumer is a big greasy pig who steals jokes.

And another one bites the dust.

.... And another one bites the hand.

Watching a live Sky News stream here

Muslims are good people

... said no one ... ever.

Said many guilty white liberal sheep on twitter just now, guess they're waiting for their turn to be killed by muslims.

tTHhHee tWEEN ToWersS aRreE steEL sTAndInG...APHRELL fALLS!

Fuckin' Kumiya strikes again.

Will this madman ever be stopped?

Worst bombing in Manchester since Big Amy played there a thuh thuh thuhhhhh

Ariana grande is still funnier

No no no that wasn't a Schumer show it was Ariana Grande.

ohh literal emitpeels89

Ah boo

Someone was gonna make the joke. If it wasn't you, it woulda been Gilbert.

It's funny, but it doesn't really mention how she's big fat pig.

Who the fuck is ariana grande? What the fuck is going on? There's three threads about this nobody I've absolutely never heard of. I'm going to fire a pistol into a crowd if you guys don't knock this off.

Keep going!

Oh no you didn't!