I got a feeling ant is wrong on this one

4  2017-05-22 by Dennyislife


What do you think Denny? I'm thinkin gun shots.. chavs shootin a gun in the arena?

After a hour and a half and footage from inside venue showing no 'bomb' damage i'm going with speaker blowing and dumb girls and faggots crushing trying to get out. Eye witnesses saying thats the type of injuries they have seen and none of them who were there saying it was a 100% a bomb.

Twitter is sayin multiple fatalities

It's being reported differently in the US. In England it sounds like a stampede, in the US they're making it sound like they died from an explosion in the crowd.

UK media tend to wait for confirmation rather than speculation. I am just going off eyewitness. One says twenty dead which seems huge for a crush tbh

Fox News is all in which it being a bomb

Why don't you savages just wait like 2 hours instead of wasting your time as internet sleuths?

Why don't you go jerk off to your wrestlemania 12 tape you fuckin homo

Derrrrrr I can be the first one to say Muslims are bad if I watch the news like I'm watching the stock exchange

It was a bomb in Europe. Who do you think did it, scientologists?

It's about time they stopped being pussies and got with terrorism

lol like that will ever happen.

No, we all know who did it that's why I don't get constantly clicking refresh for the up to the second updates

This was about proving the OP wrong. It was funny how in denial he was because he wanted to bash Anthony he wanted to deny the obvious.

Yeah but to his defense it's kinda sick how many Anthony types are so excited when a tragedy happens to bash Muslims. Same way the sjw cunts finger themselves when a white kid with a bowl haircut shoots something up. Internet culture is very despicable and very fucking stupid if I may say so

Because they're both usually right.

If there's a bomb, a Muslim probably did it.

If there's a mass shooting, a white guy probably did it.

There's exceptions (Club Pulse, the 1996 Atlanta Olympics) but it does tend to be true stereotypes.

I know and agree but than people revel in it and use it as their big talking points to argue on Twitter. They love it

"Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" great quote

There's a dashcam video showing a bright flash and explosion, but it's pretty distant. Also seeing reports of an explosion in the lobby/train station.

I saw a photo from the train station showing an explosion but people are sayin it's fake

And since it's Manchester the eyewitnesses will all be talking in mumbling gibberish like Liam Gallagher, so that won't help.

No, it was a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert with people being treated.

Is he talking about ManchVegas, home of PFG TV?

If it was a bomb or not some stinky muslim was probably responsible

Now we go to our London bureau chief, East Side Dave.

Antwan knows what he's talking about, it was one of his cell that did it

Anthony is jerking off, hoping it's a Muslim attack.

*Anthony jerking off is a Muslim attack.

https://twitter.com/sohaibmm1/status/866786806066540544 doesn't look like a explosion to me

Why are you posting pakistani twitter accounts?

It's a big arena, here's the foyer:


You need to follow better accounts, confirmed internally by Manchester police as a bomb 40minutes ago. Army bomb squad is at Victoria station. Photos of children covered in blood. Armed police on the streets.

Keep on cucking.

That's been debunked you need to follow better accounts

Remember when you were here posting about a balloon popping, as twenty kids lay bleeding-out on the ground.

Do you remember that? Yeah, so moderate your fucking attitude.

You've been called out in public as a weakling faggot, so take the beating and shut the fuck up.

Because that was all the info out there for ages after the incident. Took 2 hours for a clearer picture to come out which is weird I hate even moderate Muslims if only you could see my twitter feed (not sharing it don't want to be associated with any of you) 👍

That photo has been labelled fake

At first I thought a balloon popped and that set people off in a panic, but I heard the explosion and it doesn't sound like no balloon.


Photos of people bloodied.

Seems like a CompoundMedia contributor is already on scene to calm down the young la'ies.


Ant wishes he was there to comfort those pre teens

Man on radio 5 live saying he was there and there was absolutely a explosion that killed people. Weird its taking so long for any info to come out

I'm guessing anyone who was taking cell phone video of the actual explosion is dead.

Well don't you feel like a silly goose.

not as silly as these men who were at a Ariana Grande gig

Tween poontang doesn't pick up itself.

they all sound very lispy

No nonce sounds manly. They sound like Roland.

Manchester is gay capital of UK.

They're very polite bombers to wait until the concert was finished.

Sounds like it was at a exit so was waiting for them to leave

Antwan Kumiya has inside info on this one. My sources on the ground are telling me that a group known as د وياړ هلکان was responsible for the attack.

There's something poetic about a group concert goers who claim to be left wing , PC, all inclusive and all loving, willing to trample children to death in order to save themselves.

Don't right wing bigots go to concerts too?

Yeah, Ariana Grande's demographic of young teenage girls are a group known for being right wing bigots. What are you, fucking retarded ?

Ah yes, the poetry of it all. How it delights you. These girls were clearly a bunch of SJW's that had it coming, right? Fuck off.

TBF Ariana Grande fans are no great loss of life. Well, maybe to Anthony.

Haha. You're clearly retarded so I'll put it to you in as simple terms as possible.

Saying something is poetic isn't the same as saying something is delightful. Poetic and delightful are not synonyms.

The statement was that people who trampled the children forsook the principles they chastise other people for not adhering to, and killed children in the process. It wasn't a determination on the children who were trampled.

Learn to read before you go around being a cunt to people on the internet you perpetually offended cry baby faggot.

Seems like you're the one who got offended.

Plus, who got trampled?

You're autistic

You're angry.

How big is the moon?

You're right I'm angry. It's angering going back and forth with an illiterate, point missing autistic such as yourself

You're clearly reveling in this. Shutup

Seriously wtf. You people are demented

Yeah, Ariana Grande's demographic of young teenage girls are a group known for being right wing bigots. What are you, fucking retarded ?

They go to country shows duh.

They go to country shows duh.

Sounds like bomb was packed with metal nuts and possibly nails to maximise casualties. Nobody who was close to it saying anything about seeing anyone 'blow up'

A wimpy muslim?

Oh first talk of a suicide bomber now. Ah well. Ant was right. Turns out a venue packed with kids and gays makes for bad eyewitnesses

Nailbomb/ied being widely reported... but they wouldn't make a bang as loud as is being reported... would it?

Yeah weird how people across Manchester heard it. But confirmed nineteen dead.

Yeah mancester police just tweeted a statement https://twitter.com/gmpolice/status/866808564316344321

Seems like he was right. Ms. Cleo Cumia.