Jason Ellis Calls Out Nick Di Paolo (05/22/2017)

92  2017-05-22 by unreal305


I want to watch this but im afraid its going to drive me to suicide

Either way it's worth it

Ellis: "Wahhh nick hates gays im a faggot who cant hear anyone elses opinion without getting offended" Ellis 30 seconds later: "Im pretty fackin tough mate"

What a pussy Ellis is. Stick around to the end when Ellis and his callers accidentally unravel their entire argument by admitting Ellis and Co. do exactly the same shit Nick does

I only made it two minutes but i'll try again. This "man" actually said that if nick lived on the west coast he wouldnt be able to do his show

When he started that sentence I thought he was going to threaten to fight Nick.

Only if Nick has one arm behind his back a la /u/shanecarwin

Hey /u/ShaneCarwin, what do you think of this faggot Jason Ellis. I know you're on reddit, fucker.

King of the shitposts, he'd fit right in here.

Jason is my friend. He is more bi IMO but he wont be offended by your words.

He got offended by Nick Dipaolo's words though.

I do not even know who Nick Dipaolo is. Team Ellis even when he is wrong.


Ok he just said "i care about everybody" this is physically impossible to listen to i cant do it

"It wouldn't surprise me if I got in trouble for this,for this whole conversation"

Now he's stealing Opie's bit.

The last 10 minutes shows his hypocrisy.

Even if you completely disagree with his politics Nick's been hilarious literally 10s of thousands of times in his career. Ellis, exactly zero. His awful tough guy shtick makes him negative 10 thousand funny. What an asshole, what possible value could he have to anyone?

Lol, no need to get histrionic about this. Nick has been amusing a few dozen times, which is still infinitely more than Ellis. But don't pretend Nick is some comic genius.


Coming from a "Nick Dip" fan, that's a pretty toothless insult.



His is.

Maybe it's closer to dozens than it is to thousands if you're only basing it on his O&A appearances that you've heard. But don't forget about all the times over the decades he's been on stage at clubs, where he's always been one of the best. My estimate stands.

I've also heard his act. It stinks on fucking hot ice.

A few dozen times? The cunts been a comic for 20/30 years...and is probably one of the most consistent ones of the o&a universe. Did you just feel like if you used histrionic in a sentence it would add credence to your point?



Bahstid 'er 'oimin.

I repeated this out loud.

throw another shrimp on the barbie, have a look at me digereedoo mate, let's go rape an aboriginee

For the record, a true Aussie racist would've said "Abo".

Abo isn't even racist, it's just a shortened form of aboriginal.

Oy Noy

Australians are only capable of pronouncing no" with between 3 and 5 syllables


That was Ant's worst bit, he thought saying that over and over was hilarious. Actually, it was one of the worst bits on the show, I hope he dies now that you made me remember that.

The channel still has a Fezzy crying over homophobia. Jason Marie Whatley.

Fez was entertaining though

Cookie, cookie, Skippy say cookie

Radio gold





Shut your cakehorn.

Enough about the fucking cakehorn!

At least fez wasn't a faggots like this douche faggot

Blueberries are a stand alone fruit.

he's virtue signaling. Acting this way makes people into BIG STARS gang

yeah, he's just attempting to score moral-superiority-points. he doesn't give a shit. all I hear when I listen to this is just audible cum flowing from his faggot-mouth.

ignorant australian fucking dyke

lol dyke

Nick's barely a week in and already the boss hates him.

i tapped out when jason ellis thought 10% of the population is trannys

He added to trannies to the gay percentage so he could misrepresent what

Even trannies plus gays I more like 3-4%. This 10% has no basis in reality.

Barely over 2%, dude. Ellis is probably adding tranny fuckers to the list.

Keep jim norton out of this

And people who may be slightly bisexual or moderately bisexual like Jim, Ant, Derosa, etc.

Do people that like children's spit also fit into those categories?ie Samcrow Joe?

Yes they do

10% may be shockingly large but I could count atleast 14 likely homos in my highschool graduating class with 150 boys. Even a couple of my friends came out as bi and gay. 10% is close to the actual amount of gays.

Maybe you're just around a lot of gays because you're gay too.

That is a world Anthony wants to live in.

That'd be great.

Ellis is bitching that politics are coming into the equations, but he names his station faction. The irony is amazing.

It's just an amalgamation of his interests. Fags and action sports. Fa-ction.

By any measurement; Nick DiPaolo > Jason Ellis.

What is with aussies in America? Overly sensitive faggots

They get kicked out for being wimps.

They adapt to your culture.

truth hurts

Ellis and Jim jefferies make me want to see Australia nuked.

Wouldn't it make more sense to say california?

Hit that too

Now why Jim Jefferies? He was fucking cool as shit on O&A.

Or is he irrelevant now?

I hate Australian accents.

Have you checked on him lately?

Well, Jim has a new show on Comedy Central. Or is that gonna be shite?

He's gotten a bit sanctimonious lately. I still like him, he'll never reach now you're fist able levels again though.

"just be you" well thats what he is doing ellis...

"Just be you" says one of the biggest posers in history.

He's saying "just be you" if others are hating on you for being the way you are... he isn't saying "just be you" if you're a homophobic bigot. He also says that Neanderthals like you need to fucking educate yourselves.

Educate yourself with some semen, faggot

Sounds delicious.

Nick had better destroy this faggot.

Ellis is a fag, and he's tougher than you, cooler than you, bangs hotter BITCHES than you, and is a real deal man that would fucking end you if you had the nuts to say that to his face. Fuck you bigot!

lol, you actually like his show?

I'm pretty sure he's tuggin our puds...

Read his threads. He's the real deal.

Yeah, i do. I wish more people were as honest and open about themselves as Ellis is. I also wish more people were as accepting of others as Ellis is. The world would be a better place if others thought like him. He's damaged goods, he admits that, but he's learned from it, and inspired thousands of others to be better people. What can you say that you have done?

Well I'm not a faggot, so I'm still above him.

Good for him if he likes getting fucked in the ass. But his show sucks.

I was positive when you wrote "fuck you bigot" it was a piss take. I'm flabbergasted that I was wrong. Did you come to the sub because of the nick dip vs ellis thing?

How much Jason Ellis attire do you own?

fuck off faggot.

only read the first 4 words but totally agree, Ellis is a fag

What the fuck was he expecting with Nick DiPaolo? A little edgier Fresh Air?

Late in life gay becomes champion of the wretched masses as if he needs to make up for lost time.. zzzzzz.

Bonus First caller claims Di Paolo show is demonstrating 'cowardness'

i honestly can't believe what im hearing. i was forced to listen to ellis for like 2 months a few years ago due to work proximity, and never in a million years would i have guessed that he would be calling himself a victim of gay-bashing because he banged trannys a few times. im not even fully convinced that makes him bisexual, which i guess he's making a big part of his identity now.

this fucker has kids. jesus christ

The way he was drooling over that masculine tranny punk rock dude on Jim and Sam was sickening.

Pretty fucking gay though, you gotta give him that.

So Sirius found a bigger fag than Opie to hand the channel to. I didn't think it could be done, Bravo Greenstein. "Jus stahp it"

He even said it with an Aussie lisp. "Jus stahp it" ugh. What's the shameful title of that garbage...Faggot Talk.

For the love of christ, why is this half a fruit getting his panties in a bunch? Nick has done nothing outta hate, just stating the obvious.

What happened to Australians? When I was a kid I revered their culture...the laid back/tough ANZACs, the winged Keel in the America's Cup, funny videos by Men at Work, etc. now, even their accents don't seem cool anymore.

What happened to Australians?

Mate, America happened.

He's a nobody here in America tbh. Probably more so.

Tapped out after 5 minutes. Not saying faggot doesn't make you a good person. Wish these SJW faggots could understand that.

Good, because I must have said it 100 times listening to this audio.

Ellis's show is basically him and crew showing how they can put the view to shame with their soccer mom ways. Tully is the worst and don't even try to use the N word in the name of comedy.

Ellis is a nigger

"I don't fucking care... I don't fucking care..."

Huh... seems like ya do... I didn't take a class in psychology like Opie during college so I can't read people, but it really seems like ya do. Awfully upset about squeezing some fresh peckah juice in your mouth.

will anthony finally get the courage to confront nick, as well?

"pump the brakes on that nigger shit, it hits close to home"

He thinks it's bullshit that someone didn't run it by him? How fucking delusional is this guy? I guarantee he has the least amount of listeners of everyone on the channel, including Opie.

He should threaten to suck Nick's dick.

Y'all are so confused.

Listen to this self-righteous putz. This is supposed to be the main attraction of the channel?

[This caller deserves to watch his daughter be sodomized.]

Middle aged aussie skateboarders are fucking gay

What an insufferable faggot Ellis is. Nothing to do with the fact that he sucks dick, he's a faggot because he can't understand a comedian on the radio is making jokes.

Ok heres tha deal folks, Australia is now comprised of majority SJW faggots like Ellis. You guys have it so good in the states in still being able to voice your opinion. We really overly sensitive liberal faggots. Please nuke us. I hope Ellis chokes to death on a thick nigger cock.

Isn't that just in Melbourne though?

No man, Sydney is just as fucked.


Listened for a minute or so. Sounds like fake drama designed to make people listen to both shows.

With the archiving autists here, there was never a chance of that.

should I grab the dick to the left or to the right? this is my first time

One of you troublemakers should send Nick a clip of Jason's gross fiance during her cam girl days.


Jason Ellis is a real faggot

"It's bullshit that it's on the channel. It's bullshit that it wasn't run by me.". This line makes me think this faggot is trying to get Nick shitcanned because he obviously wanted the power to be able to put Rude Jude in that time slot. Completely manufactured outrage, listen how quiet the poor fucks stuck in that studio are during his pissy eye'd rambling.

Because they know Greenstein and Wicklund don't give a fuck about him.

I don't love Nicks politics, but at least the guy isn't phony. He has done zero favors for his career by expressing himself honestly. He comes off like a brainwashed dope sometimes, but you know it's how he really feels. Also, I'm sure Nick has performed alongside plenty of gays, dykes and whatever his entire career. I've never heard of any comics coming out and saying he is hateful or abusive. Ellis is a pandering faggot, and I hope his shitty radio show goes away along with his shitty channel name.

But he is intelligent, caring person. Usually someone who says that is neither.

Ellis listened to 5 minutes of Nick's show, made massive assumptions about his character, then went on to rant about him for 20 minutes. Over reacting cunt.

Tattooed Opie.

Dingo and the Baby

To say that I look forward to Nick's response is an understatement.

It's like if a hamburger patty called out a slice of meatloaf.

This guy just poked the sleeping dragon. Ho boy, is he going to regret this.

Don't listen, faggot.

radio war! radio....oh I don't care

I think it's pretty clear he's talking about noted bigot Gregg Hughes

I hope Nick strangles that bald fag kangeroo fucker with a fine Italian leather belt and then stomps on his head.

Well, he's wrong right off the bat. Nick also complains all the time that black people are "overrepresented" in media.

you can tell in his voice when he says " on this channel" he means " on MY channel"

We can only hope the same thing happens to him that happened to the last guy who had his name on the channel.

I have always hated Ellis but who the fuck does he think he is? "On this fuckin CHANNEL."

I'm pretty sure Nick is the only one good with Howard on that channel, as well as literally everyone else. People who don't agree with him still like him because he's funny and not a fucking cunt.

oi, this ffffocken bloke was just bessshing gaiz, leizbyens and trensjenduh paypool. and den oim just like "....man."

I am for White Genocide, so long as we only target the ones not from America who think they need to share their thoughts.

is he fucking drunk or slightly retarded?? fraudulent, vapid, stroke mouthed typical Californian transplant twat.


You're fucking edgy.

Being critical of any race or gender means "you hate them" and want them nuked off the face of the planet. - 2017

Norton and Sammy's boy elldawg (the boss of the channel) going after Nicky D. Norton and Sam are gonna have to fire some shots at nick since they love ellis.

Jason Ellis might be the least self-aware man on planet Earth.

What a, faggot and, I hope he gets, nigger blood, on him.

This faagot is literally an Australian pc principle from south park.

Someone tweet at Ellis to stop being afraid of Nick just because he is funnier then him. Norton and Opie weren't contenders but Nick is a threat.

Sorry but i have to just say it......This was flippin awesome!!! Jason comes off like a pretty badass tough guy extreme skateboarder, but down in his heart he has compassion and understanding for the weak, for the broken, for the down and out, for the little guy. Nick is a bigot and others like him better be on notice! You can't hide from us. We'll expose your hatred every time - any place - any time. We're here to call you haters out! I don't care if you're black, mexican, muslim, female, gay, whatever. You're here with us. We're here with you. In other words...DO YOUR THANG!!! We got ya back!! 😄😄😄😄

You may be a bigger faggot than Ellis. .. and when I say faggot it's meant to hurt your feelings and for for you to be ashamed of yourself.

No shame in my game sucka!!'✌️️✌️️✌️️✌️️✌️️

"What if there's only 5% of black people, and someone says they're constantly in my face on their show?" --People will pay $7 a month for it.

They should get that joe rogan Jason Ellis mma jobber involved.


Jordan B. Peterson (University of Toronto Professor who is in the spotlight for his refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns) has gotten a bunch of letters from trans people who say they don't appreciate how much attention "the transgender issue" is getting and prefer to be out of the spotlight. I don't like how Ellis is shouting over these marginalized voices from his position of white/cis/het power. If you ask me, he should hand his job over to a trans person and take girl-dicks in all his holes to repent.

There are so many gays I've met that literally want all the flamboyant fruits to just shut the fuck up and live their lives.

As an Aussie id like to Jason Ellis to Never ever come back here or represent Aus ... Whiny insecure pretend Alpha Male shit cunt ..... I Love the Gays and I Love Nick Dip But Ellis is an Insufferable Zilch to blew Howard Stern and Ralph Cirella for a Contract .

He compared transgenders to Vietnam Vets. Who is this tool?

Geeeeeee I wonder which one will get booted first??

Nick Di Paolo hates SSI, welfare, and basement dwellers.. That's most of the people on this sub..

Either way it's worth it

lol, you actually like his show?

Wouldn't it make more sense to say california?

Now why Jim Jefferies? He was fucking cool as shit on O&A.

Or is he irrelevant now?

I hate Australian accents.

For the record, a true Aussie racist would've said "Abo".

Have you checked on him lately?

He's gotten a bit sanctimonious lately. I still like him, he'll never reach now you're fist able levels again though.

fuck off faggot.

Hey /u/ShaneCarwin, what do you think of this faggot Jason Ellis. I know you're on reddit, fucker.

Abo isn't even racist, it's just a shortened form of aboriginal.

only read the first 4 words but totally agree, Ellis is a fag

I do not even know who Nick Dipaolo is. Team Ellis even when he is wrong.