FACTS: Brother Joe Cumia is an unemployed racist who beat a woman with a frying pan. He is also a recipient of welfare.

39  2017-05-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

These are the facts, folks. I report them, you interpret them.


I was unaware of these frying pan allegations.

Are these actually confirmed?

100% confirmed from several reliable sources

unbelievable, thanks for responding.

Joe's depravity knows no bounds.

This is something that Ant self-reported on OnA during a discussion about the accused being presumed innocent.

Supposedly, the woman hit herself in the face with the frying pan. Joe sent a mutual female friend in with a wire, where they captured a recording of Joe's accuser admitting that she struck herself. Then the charges were dropped.

That's the story, anyway.

Stop making him sound so fucking cool.

He also has kegs of child spit

He beat a woman with a frying pan? I thought shit like that only happened in Lockhorns Comic strips.

He should just behave

Holy shit, enough of Brother Joe. We get it, he sucks. I don't like him either, but these shitposts - in the vernacular of Jim - ssssstink! Stop giving him any attention than what he deserves.

White nigger Joe

*nigger Joe

Anyone want to go with me to Brother Joe's gay tribute show and fuck with him in person?

to go with me to Brother Joe's gay tribute show and fuck him in person?

Yes please.

Easy now easy now. I'm I mean he's not so bad.

But don't let that fool you, he's actually a piece of shit.

He also operated a motorcycle for decades and only recently obtained a license to do so.

If Joe hears about a black person flouting the law, he goes on a splittle flinging racist rant about how "those people" behave, when he himself cannot obey that same law.

His brother is the exact same way. They're worthless greasball wops.

Good for you.