Is Patton afriad Wikileaks will expose him as a wife killer?

35  2017-05-22 by DoubleGunsSockCucka



Graham Linehan is an embarrassment to Ireland and Father Ted is shit tbh.

That show came out in the early 90s, why do Irish people still talk about it? It's embarrassing. It's like still talking about Friends.

Because we´ve seen every episode 100 times and they still make us laugh. It´s also a cultural symbol. Why do you fat fucking yanks still talk about that Constitution thingy. It´s over 200 years old. Embarrassing

Did you just compare the basis of our government to your version of Cheers?

That was the worst analogy ever..


you know how seattle and portland are known for being fag cities? it's because they don't get any sunlight and the men's bones turn hollow and birdlike. now imagine that happening to an entire country.

At least our Constitution lets us kill babies.

Ya you got me there

Fucking potatoe nigger.

this made me chuckle

Common fagchan slang, i found it to be appropriate. Check your garbage euro comedy at the door, that shit ain't welcome round hur.

Apologies. Now that I have you - can you send me some links to Big Bang Theory. That show isa darn chucklefest!

Anybody looking to sitcoms for good comedy let alone laughs deserves to be shot.

You do know you just compared the constitution to some shitty TV comedy.

I did not

your a liar you god damn son of a bitch

Clarification: I did not know I did that

My fave fantomas song is the one where he goes doo we dit dit dit dit da da DA DA DA DA doo ee dit dit dit dit

Oh my god. Oh dear god no you didn´t say Father Ted was shit. Please don´t do that. It´s one of the greatest shows of all time. By the way saying Linehan is an embarrassment - on what basis. He´s made 2 very successful shows and wrote on some of the best skeych shows in British history. Everyone is proud of him

I hate his pontificating though. His twitter is political and completely devoid of humour

Didn't he make that IT Crowd show? That's pretty embarrassing.

You don´t find the show funny? OK. Many people do. It was very popular and successful. So it´s subjective. Certainly not embarrassing.

It had some promise early on but fuck what a dive it took

IT Crowd embarrassing? Going with that whole scorched earth policy in regards to someone who's a twat politically, I take it?

I don't know much about him politically. Just pointing out how shit that show was.

I don't hate the IT Crowd.

Scheckler's father is still alive?!

Father Ted is hilarious, fuck off.

Why are all Graham's such massive faggots

Gregg Graham "Opie" Hughes

the crackers are ok tho tssssssssss

Yes he is. The murdering hobbit wouldn't last a week in jail.

Especially when his fellow prisoners discover Patton is endorsed by the KKK.

Wait, Wikileaks is bad?

guarantee patton was calling julian a hero when he was releasing shit like collateral murder and the bradley manning leaks during the bush administration

I mean, considering all those emails had nothing on Hillary.

Yeah wait when did the official liberal party line switch to being mad at Assange? Legit cannot keep track anymore

When they released the truth about Hillary.

It show's people's true hypocrisy when everyone turned on Wikileaks once it showed Hilary in such a negative light when before they praised Assange as a hero. The truth has no political bias.

They're not mad at the Hillary shit anymore, I think they believe wikileaks is a big evil scheme from Russia that put Trump in charge to hunt the gays or rape women or whatever.

They're not mad at the Hillary shit anymore lol of course they are dude, every single other thing they are getting mad about, such as russia, are just a result of not having Madam President

They don't hate Trump because they love Hillary. They love her and hate him separately so this bullshit has more to do with "saving the country from the big, stupid meanie-head offering our meaty vagina to evil Russia"

i disagree it all goes back to hillary

Well friend, I won't deny you your right to believe what you want and I hope we can still hold hands and frolic someday.

Nah, the hate is separate. All the Lefties I know were Bernie-lovers but still despise Trump.

I love the crazy Australian man who goes after Neocon bullshit from both parties.

The same goes for those on the Right who saw Wikileaks as a national security threat but lapped it up once it started digging dirt on Hillary.

As a Republican who hated Wikileaks then and still hates it now, I feel like the only person in the world with a consistent position.

I know what you mean. As a Green party voter I loved it then and I love it now!


He thinks that there withholding information about Trumps ties to Russia and he also murdered his wife

people were definitely more intelligent in shakespeare's time when they treated actors like the scum of society and forced them to suck cock for food scraps

This is how most non-rich actors are treated tbh.

Linehan is such a turd it's unbelievable. The cringiest, most self righteous cocksucker on twitter.

If you hate Graham Linehan, you'll love this:

Spoiler alert: contains serious discussion of abortion.

I'm happy to see a place where people aren't buying the Assange is a Russian agent shit. I'll see you peckas at Gitmo

Isn't it funny how people take turns loving or hating wikileaks depending on who Wikileaks has fucked over most recently?

The bitter passion that misled blind faggots have for particular people is just hilarious. Way to not understand how you look.