In the first twenty minutes of today's show Jim spent 10 minutes complaining that his pillows weren't comfortable enough in his hotel room. Then he started talking about how he ate too many chips (whats that) this weekend and he's starting to feel fat. Who is the demographic for this show?

122  2017-05-22 by [deleted]



He has said as much "Really? We like it, I like it" (responding to criticism of start time and the show in general).

Chip Podcast is free, involves preparation and production, features great interaction/chemistry with co-hosts, and is generally entertaining. Chip has a great work ethic.

u furgot to mechun myy big fawkin pecka cocksucka

The in-joke must be to see how many people one can trick into listening to that god-awful shit show. My buddy insisted it was great. Listened to the first two. Now he's dead to me.

tssing peckazonz!! so ironic! so great!!!this crapperson shit will run into the ground in 10 episodes, and fuck bois here will pretend its great for 30 episodes before they give up

Thing is, it won't be so bad if it's only once a week. A daily chip show would be unbearable but 20 minutes a week isn't bad, and still has potential to stay funny.

But yeah it's basically not for any new listener at all. Anyone out of the "chip" shit is going to think its retarded.

The demographic is any washed up UFC fighter, or the same boring porn whore.


Did you hear that fucking cunt's eulogy on Chris Cornell as well as him shitting on Dwayne Johnson?

I don't listen to radio well as him shitting on Dwayne Johnson?

Good. Dwayne Johnson sucks ass.

If so, then it's surprising that Howard can pull him in for an interview, seeing as he gets the worst guests.

Ex-Opie fans that find his new show too risque

it would have been funny if ant wouldve been there or on phone

The saving grace of Diva Jimmy was that Ant would bust his balls. Same thing with racist or angry politics Ant getting his balls busted by Jim.

Do you have any references? I only remember racist ant cracking Jimmy up.

TBH, I'm thinking more of Jimmy just calling him out comically for being such a piece of shit or "why are you getting so angry?" type of ball busting.

Ah, you are thinking of the later years of OnA when ant got more frequent with humorless rants. That's true.

Maybe he's trying to inch his way out of the closet by first embracing what a colossal bitchy woman he is. The guy who gave us the legendary "I hate _____" rants? He was the act.

All of that seems so so long ago.

I was listening to the "Anthony's Therapy Session" episode recently and it was more than a little depressing to remember that it's almost ten years old. And now we have Anne Heche coming to the channel.

Patrice did say during the Roast of Early Norton that the gruff angry Norton was probably a character. Aids Aids Aids.

A decade ago he seemed to talk in a fake NY tough guy accent & now he just sounds like a high maintenance metrosexual.

Then: "Flush your radio down the toilet and go fuck your mother!"

Now: "I want to lose a little more weight... the pillows at the hotel weren't good enough."

Blobby and Jim both did a blatant Colin Quinn ripoff. "Shatap, you (poor attempt to top Tunisian knife fighter)".

It's odd that Jim seems to bring so much energy and effort to the Chip podacast but is comfortable giving the listeners this shit on Sirius.

I was gonna say that you pesa gahbaghe!

He's having fun doing the Chip podacast. He's collecting a paycheck at Sirius.

Wait there's a chip podcast?? I haven't paid attention to any of these guys in a long time. I gotta listen

Search it up on youtube, g'on naw.

You hurd what I said?

anyone gotta link for this muhg?

Don't bother. It's shit too.

4 with Colin is fawkin hilarious

As much as we shit on Cumia, he really does help make the Chip podcast great.


It seems he puts 1000% more effort into Chip than he does his Sirius show.

During the day, he's a boring radio show co-host. Sunday nights, he's Chip, hilarious podacast star.

Podcast star #91 on the charts

but wait! the UFC podcast was numba won! before they ran it to the ground ofc

That's pretty good for a podcast based on a character from 5 years ago. On a radio show that was last popular 10 years ago.

Did he complain that his eggs and mustard weren't brought to him in the exact manner and fashion that he likes?

Why won't Sirius get them interns?!


So you're telling me the UFC/WWE/diet talk/foot fetish/tranny show that most of you pushed for (to spite Opie) months ago isn't aging well?? Shocking....

are you somehow blaming us for that?

I absolutely am, some of you pushed so hard for anything not involving Opie not taking into consideration that it's fucking Sam hosting a show. He sucks, he's always sucked, whether it was his after show or the show he did at night he was always fucking awful. And unless Jimmy is around other comedians or Ant he's pretty useless at this point. Nobody wants to hear about your pillows or uncomfortable dealing with the airlines. He gets away with that crap with Sam because its Sam, comedians will bust his stones about it. So yes, I'm blaming a good amount of people here for the existence of the Norton and Opie's protégé podcast.

your delusion could fill a swimming pool. we literally have no effect on sirius management or opie would have been fired and had his tits chopped off years ago

Where did i say anything about Sirius management?? All I said was it's a dog shit show and it was from the jump.

you said (twice) that posters on this subreddit are somehow responsible for putting jim and sam on a show together faggot

I just want to know who at Sirius listened to Sam Roberts and said "We have to have that on his own show". Though I'm pretty sure he just yes manned his way to a show.

It was probably superboss2016, that guy don't know shit.

You said sam was host because of the sub. Implying that the sub influenced him getting the job...who do you think gave him it you fuckwit?

fuck all the fuck boys of this sub who played the teff dawg bark bark game, at one point this sam faggot was the coolest daddio around these part lmfao

It's Travis dog Uff Uff uff uff you dumb cunt. And did you seriously write fuck boys? Are you a 14 year old Rihanna fan?

I wish, 14 is gud, at least I am not a blading 40 years old jam fans listening to some faggot talk about McMahon crotch chop all day

So you have no excuse for using fuck boy...oof.

And what's your excuse for playing that teff dog garbage you Norton wannabe

It's tefft! It really isn't hard to remember. Because it makes me hard, of course. Your insults are juvenile and aimless.

Offffff you should be aids shotgun baby boy

I'm just gonna let that bomb speak for itself.

Tss tss bomb why not wrong tss tss Chinaman get it

I wish he would shut the fuck up about his neurotic dieting. It's so cringey to hear him on the UFC podcast asking real men "so what's the food you just like CAN'T STOP eating? I ate WAY too many almonds on the weekend I'm like SUCH a pig!" Uggggggghhhhh. People can shit on Ant but at least he's the same sad, bitter hilarious racist he always was.

Nah, he used to be funny.

He still is, in a way. At the height of his media attention, instead of branching out to millions of new listeners globally, he instead obscured himself behind a paywall and then expected people to give him $60 a year to listen to him complain about niggers and the media. That's fucking hilarious.

Dicks got a point there.

the funnies thing he did the last 5 years was getting fired and arrested, or do the shark movie 3 quotes is still amusing to you?

Did he have to piss?


his egg whyte wasnt done right

Oh my word, is he okay?

Sam always wanted a show on the E Network and realizes this is the closest he can get. Just slather on the celebrity bitchfest and throw a crumble or two of "edge" do keep the show "unique."

At least the show gets better guests than Howard's show. He couldn't even get the stars of The Fate of the Furious to interview, but we get some country star we never heard of until now.

the day that howard retires from radio absolutely nothing will change in my life

People who like to have comfortable heads and slim waists.

It's better than Opie's show.

So is watching Henry Fonda pick...ahh fuggeddit.

He's afraid to slip back into this.


Jimmy has always been a fucking bore. His favorite thing in the world is getting his picture taken with celebrities.

He's not a good host. When he had his chance originally, it just turned into 12 step radio. He's the funniest guy in the room, but he can't carry a show. He needs to be in the room with other people doing a show (not about fucking wrestling) while he sits back on his phone and interjects where he sees an opening.

he needs to retire at this point, ona before him was great, the patrice era and burr era was great because he was out

You need to retire by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to your head, you late 50s fuck. lg

I miss hateful ranting Jimmy, he was a good egg

Who the fuck uses pillows anyway? Just get fat and you forearms will be cuhiony enough to sleep on.

That doesn't work. I knew a neighbor once, real fat fucking redneck. So round, he slept off his drunkness one night in his living room using the goddamn coffee table as a pillow - that's how fat he was laying down, on his side

Bick, comment?

Seems like it worked for him.

Was there a show on Friday? Can't find any uploads but I thought I remembered people discussing it that day.

You. Cause you listened.

And wanted to discuss it immediately.

I work at a hotel and I can just imagine this worm slinking up to the desk to complain. Guy has never worked a real job in his life so he treats people in the service industry like shit.

lol did you know how hard he tried to fuck with the apple store employees and the employees of his gym? you should be happy that you never gets to meet the worm

Could he somehow be doing this on purpose? Is there any upside in getting fired?

You don't like 'nana radio'?

all of us young whippersnappers

thanks for reminding me why I cancelled xm.

They're still doing shows as though podcasts don't exist. A three hour show with 15 minutes of entertaining content mixed in between small talk and complaints about breakfast orders isn't acceptable to audiences anymore. Also, the novelty of hearing profanity on a radio show is over.

There are literally hundreds of superior options for talk/comedy radio and most of them are free. The best of these shows has happened and is posted for free online somewhere.

Jim needs to start drinking.

I exclusively subscribe to the Chip Chipperson podacast

Jimmy should just get some flavored pillows to cheer himself up

Your wordy title aptly put the screws to Jim, yet you failed to mention how the salty snacks kept him awake all night.

It's not a pee joke, or a tranny joke. Jim was tired because the salty chips and pretzels kept him from falling asleep. At 2 AM this morning, he was tossing and turning and hating himself because he indulged in snacks in Ricky Gervais' dressing room.

The first half hour of every show is basically what he would write in his diary if he kept one. But he doesn't have to because he has a co-host and audience to bore with it instead.

You apparently since you listened to it

I absolutely am, some of you pushed so hard for anything not involving Opie not taking into consideration that it's fucking Sam hosting a show. He sucks, he's always sucked, whether it was his after show or the show he did at night he was always fucking awful. And unless Jimmy is around other comedians or Ant he's pretty useless at this point. Nobody wants to hear about your pillows or uncomfortable dealing with the airlines. He gets away with that crap with Sam because its Sam, comedians will bust his stones about it. So yes, I'm blaming a good amount of people here for the existence of the Norton and Opie's protégé podcast.

Do you have any references? I only remember racist ant cracking Jimmy up.

TBH, I'm thinking more of Jimmy just calling him out comically for being such a piece of shit or "why are you getting so angry?" type of ball busting.

You need to retire by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to your head, you late 50s fuck. lg