I fucking hate Aziz Ansari

36  2017-05-22 by BrianGilgoresDJ

I bet he smells like shit too


I don't think any of us can begin to understand how hard his life is as a minority.

His upbringing was more white than mine. You don't get it my mother sent me to school with lunches in cement bags. CEMENT BAGS! sniff

He was the poor fucker who put the cement in the bags, you privileged piece of white shit.

Fez once stole this story and tried to pass it off as his own. The callers quickly called him out


Sure he's a millionaire and award-winning actor, writer, director and producer from a wealthy, successful family who enjoys performing comedy in front of sold-out audiences in Madison Square Garden, but imagine where he could be if that kid on the playground hadn't called him a darkie once in 1990.

indian muslim

He's a wonderful mixture of cow piss drinking street shitters and suicide bombers. We're lucky to have more people like him coming here.

Holy shit. Isn't it like built in knowledge that you don't shit anywhere near where you live/ walk/ eat/ drink? These people just shit all over the beach. How are they not a bunch of withered mutants?

They can't even dig a hole, cats have more dignity.

It's true for the ones shitting right in the middle of the streets, but the ones on the beach shouldn't bother. The sea washes it away anyway. It's only a minefield for a couple of hours, after that the tide comes.

That ocean is mostly shit anyway.

"I figured out what makes the saltwater so poisinous"


I dunno, lived in east africa for a few years as a crippling alcoholic and being able to use the street as a bathroom was pretty fucking convent.

no video for suicide bombers?

ooooh I was looking forward to seeing kabooooom.

Here's a fun new one just because you asked so nicely.


cool, his hand even waves to the camera once in the air.

Well, his left hand does anyway.

Poo in the ___.

Saw him live "performing stand up comedy." Oddball tour a couple years ago. He was one of the headliners. Him then Burr the Louis. It was ATROCIOUS. Even normal people I was w/ thought it was heinous.

I'm sure it was fine and you just didn't like him. I doubt it was 'atrocious'.

Even normal people


Aziz I'm Sorry was never funny.

He's like the nicest guy in the world. Pretty much you hate him cause he isn't white lol.

You're all like old women. Haven't been fucked in a while and hate everything no matter how little you know about it.

Why are you here, faggot?

Your phone cut out.

I hate him because he uses focus groups for his jokes.

I like your positivity

He has a tiny asian dick. No amount of money or love from the politically correct Hollywood elite will change that and I hope that keeps him awake at night.

Do ya

I'm sure it was fine and you just didn't like him. I doubt it was 'atrocious'.

Even normal people
