Aziz Ansari is a fucking sissy.

61  2017-05-22 by timallenonacid

His entire Netflix show is pandering. Season 2 (I binged watched it all because I'm a lifeless, opinionated alcoholic who loves to be enraged so he can rant about it publicly to other like minded individuals to vindicate my self worth and reinforce my faux intelligence) culminates with Aziz throwing his career and friendship under the bus to publicly shame and disenfranchise a successful Chef he stars on a show with. All because the chef acted "creepy" towards a makeup artist once. Yuck. Fuck this dickless midget. Aziz Ansari stinks. There's no way beautiful women are lining up to fuck Aziz. Also, he ripped off Louis CK right down to casting choices. It's 🤢🤢🤢🤢 that is all. 🤗🤗🤗🤗 luv u guys xoxo


feminist blogs didn't think it pandered enough. felt he wasn't cucked enough by the women on the show, something about "nice guys" are also all rapists as well

"they're dating their food"

Do you know why free range meats taste so good? It's love.

Indians truly are the filthiest subhuman racial group in the world and are happy to live in a pile of garbage and actual human shit. The way the live makes niggers seem almost like an acceptable bunch which, of course, they are far from.

This seems a bit much

Speak for yourself, I love this man.

I watched the first season and it was watchable although nothing special. I just finished the 2nd season a few days ago and honestly it was pretty awful. It was basically just a rehash of the first season except with more pretentious artsy bullshit and pandering. The filler episodes about his religious parents and the girl coming out to her mom were fucking horrendous.

He focus groups everything he writes. No bullshit.

I literally once saw him ask a paying audience "what are some other funny things about dating?"

fucked up thing is people are now claiming they shouldn't be treated differently based on race. When in reality everyone is treated differently based on everything about them. Wether it's weight, age, height, looks, intelligence, humour, talent, wealth, health, occupation, education or even something as fucking trivial as apparel. It's just how humans fucking function. We judge each other on everything on a contestant basis while simultaneously desiring not to be judged. There's nothing to be done about it. To suggest we walk on eggshells exclusively for race is fucking preposterous. In summary, those goddamn subhuman slaves can blow me.

Hey, is your refrigerator running? It is? It's probably runnin from watchin this fukkkkin sho or sumptin


He's rich and famous. Hot chicks have been lining up to fuck that dickless midget for years.

LOVE is a much better Netflix romantic comedy show.

Judd Apatow is involved with it so no thank you


HIV is preferable to AIDS but that doesn't make the full blownsies desirable.

The description of the show made me hate it. Will Arnett did a show that sounded exactly the same and I watched the pilot of that, it's just these disaffected emlffeminate men wandering around gay parts of town being foodies and looking for "adventure" which typically means running through sprinklers with dumb broads in exotic wigs.

Flaked is the show you are thinking of. I love Will Arnett but that show is boring as shit

Other than Arrested Development, a lot of what Will Arnett does is boring as shit.

There's some good shit too.

Shut up, fucktard

Hahaha, okay, you were right.

Bojack Horseman is the Man, well he's really a horse but he's still the man.

He was great in 30 Rock. But most of his leading role stuff is shit.

Bojack Horseman is the Man, well he's really a horse but he's still the man.

He was Lego batman

Flaked was... alright.

Most everything is absolute shit. Flaked was a bit boring but as a guy who is a fan of Will Arnett, still enjoyed watching him in it.

But yeah. Not great.

fucked up thing is people are now claiming they shouldn't be treated differently based on race. When in reality everyone is treated differently based on everything about them. Wether it's weight, age, height, looks, intelligence, humour, talent, wealth, health, occupation, education or even something as fucking trivial as apparel. It's just how humans fucking function. We judge each other on everything on a contestant basis while simultaneously desiring not to be judged. There's nothing to be done about it. To suggest we walk on eggshells exclusively for race is fucking preposterous. In summary, those goddamn subhuman slaves can blow me.

Breaking News:

Castrated token ethnic guy to literal cuckolds is actually a sissy! More at 19:00.

News doesn't come on at seven, dope.

It does in jolly ol' England, mate.

Morrissey for president.

I binge watched it all.

That's like getting fucked in the ass 50 times to prove to yourself you are straight

So a sensible course of action then

Indian men

Have you ever watched Indian porn?

That told me everything i need to know about Indians.

Indian Amateur porn on tube sites is like documentary about india

The women work out too often. Their bodies are always so fit and toned especially around the belly

There's just nothing worse than SJW/pandering "comedy".

Beautiful women are lining up to be with him... but not because he's masculine or because he's anything they want in a man. It's because he has money and is on t.v.

If he didn't have those things he'd be where every other has been actor/comedian is pussyless.

The only thing good about that show, or at least Season 1, was the Eric Wareheim parts. Specifically with his pop pop.