On a side note: Anybody else excited for the return of Twin Peaks?

5  2017-05-21 by TangerineReam

David Lynch directing every episode, the large majority of the living cast returning?

The second season was a fucking DUMP. At least Lynch feels that the story needs a conclusion, and that the ship needed to be righted.


VERY, VERY excited. Giddy, in fact. Looking forward to the new Badalamenti score, too.

What was wrong with the second season in your opinion?

The network forcing Lynch and Frost to solve the Laura Palmer murder near the beginning of season 2 (against the original idea of extending the mystery throughout the show, possibly revealing it at the end of its run), Lynch/Frost falling out leaving Lynch to semi-retract from the show, Frost turning the whole show into a caricature of itself, the tremendously GAY character arcs, the strife on set that led to some characters not wanting to return for Fire Walk With Me, etc.

Got it. I wasn't aware of more of the behind-the-scenes stuff. I found it pretty entertaining and pretty moving. Guess less information is better sometimes. What's your favourite Lynch movie?

Blue Velvet. Inland Empire was good too

Baby wants to fuck

Hey neighbor...you shit for brains man, you forget I had a police radio?!

No, I want you to FUCK it!!

I have a vhs promotional only copy of Hotel Room.

That Civil War shit was hard to get through, and I wouldn't mind the complete absence of James Hurley. I wonder how they'll handle Bob without the actor.

I loved Bob, but that civil war stuff made me want to jihad that whole fucking cast.

Windom Earle could have been more interesting than he was, I always felt he was wasted potential. The last episode of s2 was good though.

What do you think? Did you see it?

fuck yea.

I have a formica table. Green is its color.



It smelled like scorched engine oil and was PFG

Hell yes. Rewatched Fire Walk With Me last night and god damn is it better than I remembered. However I am a huge Lynch fan so I am pretty bias.

They almost lost Lynch over budget constraints, but they were able to lure him back. He's directing every episode, and the seasons are jam packed with stars.

Ray Wise is in it according to IMDB. Who knows in what capacity.

David Lynch is a fudge packer


It's not possible that this is good and that people will like it. Infact they should never bring back any show. Including O&A

On the contrary: Twin Peaks came back SWINGING. Pure Lynchian horror. I've never been anxiety-ridden at a TV show like this before. Like that sort of dread he brought during Blue Velvet. It came back hard.

Wow. That's great. I'll watch the first episode based on this suggestion.

I bet you will, you GLIB cocksucker

Huh? I'm serious

If you're really a Lynch horror fan, then man nigga brings the ruckus in the first two episodes, hard.

If you're being sarcastic, then go watch Mulholland Drive again

I'm really not being sarcastic

we'll see, won't we

Freaking awesome sauce those episodes

I going out and buying NEW SHOES,NEW SHOES,NEW SHOES. .....

I'm excited for Twin Peckas. Laura Palmer what does she got a bunch of hands or somethin'

Coop Cooperson

Parts 1-4 are insanely good. Nothing else like it anywhere. David Lynch is in a class by himself.

I only saw the first few episodes of s1, in addition to the Fire Walk w/Me movie. I have a Cliff's Notes understanding of the missing gaps. Relying on annotated recaps to get filled in on who some of the players are. Not understanding most of his movies didn't detract from my enjoyment of them, which has been the case with the revival so far. For me it's all about his style; concrete understanding takes a definite backseat.

Agreed. I'm not turned off by the subjective self-involvement that auteur filmmakers tend to come off as, when they deal with the abstract and/or surreal. There is a story there, and the what-have-you elements don't detract from that. AND, vaguely enough, you ARE able to follow along, and to at least CONCEIVE the idea of the plot.

Coop in the casino was classic quirky Lynch humor (even that idiot Bert Krieshner couldn't ruin that sequence for me), especially when he came back to cognizant realization with that ONE SIP of DAMN GOOD COFFEE. Brought everything full circle, WITHOUT doing fan service. Fucking GREAT.

Windom Earle could have been more interesting than he was, I always felt he was wasted potential. The last episode of s2 was good though.

I bet you will, you GLIB cocksucker