Has there been any more drama between Opie and JnS since the new shows inception?

5  2017-05-21 by KiraYoshikagay

Listening to those 2016 clips and I'm thirsty for drama


Opie on Twitter and Jim taking mini veiled shots on J&S. Nothing major.

Jimmy set a firework off in the studio during Opie's show.

It was fucking crazy. Too hot for YouTube. Check out Viral Spiral for footage.

All of the clips of Jim trashing Tits were removed from the Youtube. If you check out meatspin.com , they are all there.

Is it just me or is the audio quality there not as sharp as the clips on YouTube?

Yeah, Jim just called into Nick's show the other day to inform him that Bam fucked Opie's wife.

Opie has the hallway to his new office shut down everyday when he arrives. Jim was caught in a stairwell for fifteen minutes and his eggs got cold. When he was complaining about it on air he accidentally said cakehorn when he meant to say cakehole/piehole. We all had a good laugh, but Jimmy has been under a lot of pressure since coming out.

After the show one day, Jim tricked a cleaning lady into letting him in Opie's studio for about 40 seconds.