See kids - go to university, become a hedge fund manager, make an absurd amount of £, and your giraffe-neck, dumbo-eared arse can marry a pretty cunt, too

7  2017-05-21 by ScoobyDoo4U2


nigga look like retarded Wayne Gretzky

the all time chromosome leader!

I'd rather marry myself to a pint while watching the olde colours at the footie match.

You gotta be kidding me. She's not fucking him because she's turned on by him. There's no way he isn't ware of the situation he's created for himself.

Are you new to female attraction? Of course women don't value looks as much as men do.

He fucks her with a jewel encrusted solid gold dildo. Do you think she gives a fuck what he looks like?

Have sex

Anthony's still stuck on the "see kids" step

Too many overt limeyisms in this post. OP is deliberately trying to annoy the 45% Americans on this sub and start a race war between them and the 55% Brits.

Maybe I'm Canadian, eh?

Thanks for saying it, we were all thinking it.

Christ, my wife is way prettier than that, and I'm a common loser. Nice going, rich guy, way to bag that 6.

Absurd amount of $*
Limeys get out.

Well who shat in your chips, mate?

My thinly sliced and fried potatoes like Lays or Ruffles, you're referring to, I assume?

Right ... your fucking "freedom fries"

PS - Geo. Washington was a faggot

A faggot and a winner.

Sorry, the Crown may have been a tad busy at the time making sure you don't have to speak French.

Them frog-eatin' ass niggas were on our side. Because even they know tea and crumpets are gay as fuck.

Ya, ask Louisiana how that is working out, mate.

We own that too because America numba 1, baby!!

She isn't pretty, i would still stick my face in her ass tho.

If he's so rich why can't he afford lips?

Who the fuck is this guy?

He's got hints of that Hapsburger Jaw.

the all time chromosome leader!

He fucks her with a jewel encrusted solid gold dildo. Do you think she gives a fuck what he looks like?

Well who shat in your chips, mate?