Opie's retarded Sopranos theory

21  2017-05-21 by FlashVirus

Recently someone made a post on the Sopranos and I looked up the old O&A episode where they discuss the season finale and found a real gem. Everyone is discussing the interesting and crazy Sopranos theories found on the internet and Opie comes up with one of his own:


Go to 1:07:20 and 1:02:15

Opie: May be one of those heart attacks got him.. a quick one... sniff

Jim goes silent and Anthony is clearly in awe.


I wish him a long one. Asap

One of these quick ones. Just a little tassste

It's just neverending. If Opie bombs could be converted to fuel the world would be a utopia.

should also develop one for sam asap

There are enough Opie bombs in the world to destroy the planet 12 times over.

A heart attack? You fucking moron. "Just adding a little fuel to the fire." Oh really, is that what you were trying to do? Just dump it all over yourself next time and light up.

Oqie is gayer than the leather guy that Vito was dancing with.

That one was just a joke

You really think so?!

Say hi to your wife and kids...

Reminds me of when they talk about the Wire, Opie clearly doesn't watch the show but remembers one of the characters is named Omar so he says Omar 50 times with a strong emphasis on the R.

" I don't know him by his real name I just call him Omarrrrrrrrrrrr. That's Omarrrrrrrrrr."

also the wat up bird thing

This is a perfect example of why, no matter what anyone else does, Opie will always the most hateable person in the O&A universe.

He probably never even watched the Sopranos. He doesn't get any of the movie or tv references in the Patrice talks movies 4 hour vid. Even in the Patrice/Jimmy FaceOff, one of the most famous clips of o&a, he says "I gotta see that now" then flips and says "of course!" When Patrice asks

Most times, he says "I gotta check that out again", on things it's obvious he never saw once.

What I don't understand is, if you know you want to go solo, and you're planning to alienate, push away, and stab in the back the people that helped hide your complete lack of knowledge, don't you work on getting up to speed on movies, tv shows, sports, news, etc, to prepare for your solo debut?

Here's a guy who pulled all these passive-aggressive, retarded moves to get his own show and channel for the ability to say "whaddaya got, Vic Henley?".

His dimwittery is mind-boggling.

It's obvious that the only shows he actually watches are those retarded History Channel reality treasure hunting shows and the Housewives shows.

And the Kardashians. Basically anything his wife tells him to watch.

Because he's a pathological narcissist. He never plans to alienate the people he works with, that's why he's always so shocked when he finds out how much they hate him.

"He died of an annarism" - professional broadcaster Gregg Opie Hughes

Opie once said the only HBO show he liked was Entourage. He's a useless human being.

In the long run ole fat tits wasn't wrong.

Please timestamp...you son of a cunt.

This is an excellent example of his stupidity. It really is fascinating, how a man with such a low IQ and lack of talent could stay employed at the level he did.

Are you retarded?

Literally right below the URL: Go to 1:07:20 and 1:02:15