ari Schaffers podcast has the faggiest song intros of anything ive ever heard

0  2017-05-20 by stinksskc

its all dykey femenist Starbucks music, what the hell is this guy listening to


Although they are far less faggy than whining about them on a subreddit for a defunct radio show.

is it faggier than the "fuck gay, fuck gay" song from the Real Ass Podcast?

or the nigger song from the LOS podcast?

fuck gay, fuck gay, fuck gay boston

i was wondering what the song sounded like and all i got were back door gay sex bath house information. Not complaining or anything

Isn't the LoS theme WiggerRich?

Yeah. And the RAP song is Fucking Hostile.

"ifthefingerlessglovesdontfit", could you shoehorn lyrics any harder? Holy shit, u/wiggerrich...

Just change it to, "if the no finger gloves don't fit". Problem solved.

"Fingerless gloves" and "no finger gloves" have the exact same number of syllables... but thanks for the advice... I'll keep it in mind for the next time I write a song that references gloves with no fingers.

It's not about the number of syllables, but where they are placed.

Dicks and balls and balls, balls and dicks (DICKS AND BALLS)

Lol yeah that's true. He always uses songs that somehow relate to the topic of the episode. So he's not selecting songs that are necessarily good. Who knows though I wouldn't put it past him to like those gay-ass songs.

Ari is a 50 year old 22 year old. Something arrested this kikes' development.