Bill Maher definitely isn't a hack

12  2017-05-20 by John_Gulbunny


I also find it funny these people think calling someone orange is the greatest insult when they all wear pounds of makeup anytime they are on tv and are just as orange

Do you find that funny? Sounds like you have been offended and are crying about a joke on the internet like a twitter feminist.

Twat or get the fuck out.

You first

Your character stinks. And not like our Stinks.

Come on let me see that glorified clit you call a dick.

Only knickers gets dick pics.


It's hack garbage

You actually watch the video or are just crying that someone called the retarded Messiah orange? Maher actually made a good point that all the movies these days are made by faggots for faggots.

Everyone wants a super hero to come do the hard shit for them seems apropos to describe our current society. Makes a good argument why a bonafide loser and con man, who just so happens to be an authoritarian, was elected. He promised everything would be fixed fast and easy. His first 2 months in he goes on record saying shits harder than anyone thought and he misses his old life. TWO MONTHS in! What a fucking joke.

Trump may be an Orange dummy, but he's certainly not an authoritarian.

If he was, we'd have already been drafted into a war in Syria, like what clinton and most of the deep state want.

Also, hes accomplished a few things while in office, killing TTP for example. I get not liking Trump, but you're a sap if you think Hilary would've been any better.

Authoritarianism actually has ZERO to do with waging war on another nation. A common misconception amongst non-educated people.

Trump has shown many classic signs of authoritarianism. His most recent example is his belief reporters should be jailed. Telling citizens not to trust the media is classic. Attacking ordinary citizens and businesses on twitter is another. Telling verifiable lies, then sticking to them, is another. Hiring a self described Leninist and anarchist (Steve bannon) is another.

TPP hadn't taken effect yet, so getting out was just a stroke of the pen. Hardly an accomplishment. And if you read my first post carefully, i said he did succeed at things that required no joint actions, like executive orders. He's good at stroking a pen, clearly. Him and our failed Congress have done nothing together, a failure on their parts and his.

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All you can do is bring up things Trump has said, tell me what he's done that's authoritarian. You can't, because he hasn't done anything authoritarian. Lefties make it seem like trump is rounding up muslims on the street and shipping them to concentration camps. You're being histrionic.

In regards to TTP, Clinton (and Obama) was all for it when she started the race, only to go back on that when she saw how totally unpopular it was. If she had won she would've passed TTP, saying they "revised it" or some other nonsense. Trump was the catalyst that ended TTP, but lefties such as yourself have been indoctrinated into never giving him credit.

Oh shocker, you can't discuss ANYTHING without dragging Obama and Hilary into it. Typical of those who can't defend Trump's complete mediocrity. Who gives a fuck if she supported TPP or not? We aren't discussing that, we are discussing if it's an accomplishment to end our participation in something that we haven't even been doing yet. It's a WIN for trump, yes, but an accomplishment? Nyet.

All you can do is bring up things Trump has said

Are you trolling me? This made me actually lol. So we aren't supposed to identify people's ideals by the things they say? That's the dumbest most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Authoritarianism is a philosophy, a set of ideals, often only expressed verbally, that is, until the politician can get into government and slowly start to change the state to a more authoritarian one. And the point is that Trump's views are growing more dangerous compared to the kind of country America has always been. If we had 8 years of him, it's very possible he could enact some of his authoritarian ideals

No, you saying that leftists actually think we are currently living in an authoritarian state is what's histrionic and is a common flawed argument from your side. You can't refute the shit trump says and thinks so you ascribe a hyperbolic position into your opponent that is false.

The article below claims bannon said he is a Leninist at a party. He was probably drunk and speaking freely, who knows. But he is on record, at CPAC, saying that conservatives must fight to tear down the adminstrative state. That's where he's an anarchist, perhaps not in the classic violet sense, but who knows how far he'd want to see things go, we only have what he SAYS to judge him by. We can't objectivity measure the level of influence he has on trump.

OK, "deep state"? Now I know who I'm dealing with in this argument, a mentally challenged sheep, probably a mid 20's dumb fucking millennial. Alex Jones and rush Limbaugh and fox news never would have supported a guy like trump when he was A DEMOCRAT, but once trump decided to con all the poor inbreds of America and won primaries, they all had to get on board. Once it was clear trump was a disaster and it came out his campaign was being investigated for possible treason, the gods of you fucking mental midgets started pushing "deep state" narrative. And because you all are emotionally and intellectually on the level of a single celled organism, you ate that shit up. The election and coronation honeymoon is over and your gods have got you all foaming at the mouth all over again, right where they want you and where you've been the last 10 years, because you're so easy to influence and control that way. Ironic that your gods have you thinking all government is controlling everyone, as they in turn control every dumb weak talking point that comes out of your mouths when it's not filled with their cocks. Shocker Cumia used to be of sound and reasonable mind, but two years next to Gavin and Alex Jones has mentally crippled him into one of their disciples. SAD!

You, and your people, will be the downfall of America. All due to horrible parenting, a severe lack of education, and too much time circle jerking on the internet with faggots that echo the CAREFULLY cultivated thoughts of the fat millionaires you worship.

Yes, ending TTP was an accomplishment because if he hadn't done it, our economy would be fucked in the future.

Your claims that it's possible that trump will enact an authorian state are just as valid as Cumia's claims in 2008 that obama is going to enact a communist dictatorship. You have no real evidence for this, so you meander on about what might happen, and then claim that as proof. You're histrionic.

And yes, the deep state does exist, do you honestly think politicians are the ones pulling the strings? It's the bankers, who have their own agenda set that does not align with what the American people want. The fact that you think that "deep state" was created purely to defend Trump shows that you have no idea what you're talking about, and haven't really been paying attention to politics in the last couple years.

Also, this notion of yours that Bannon claimed to be a lennist at a party based on a fucking DailyBeast article shows that really don't know shit about anything, but keep thinking you're superior, that worked out so well for you guys last year.

No, you simpleton, you think you know what kind of person you are arguing with but you don't. You are just applying a dumb fucking template that your fat fuck gods have given to you as you soldier out and take the fight to the "libtards". Yup typical diciple blaming the Deep state and banks on why you are probably an unmitigated failure in life. No successes that could possibly make you think, gosh maybe everything isn't as rigged as I thought it was. Just like the cockroaches of the welfare state and their blame game. The only difference being you probably have at least one parent with a successful job that you can live in the basement of. At least the blacks have a legitimate reason to complain, their parents are also usually drug addicted failures.

You lack the understanding of nuance to see why Cumia's claims of Obama are different than mine of Trump's. My disqualification of trump doesn't even get as far as what he could enact one day, but only as far as the fact he thinks like an authoritarian disqualifies him. That's not the kind of person this country tolerates, which is evidenced by the current "witch-hunt" against him, which is less a witch hunt and more an exercising of a malignant tumor. Obama didn't preach all the things Cumia bashed him for, trump actually does say the things that make him unfit to lead a modern democracy.

Ad hominem attack and conjecture without evidence.

Whatever you say, super smart educated guy

Is this a courtroom? Are we proffering opinions here or academic dissertations? A lot of what I said was opinionated conjecture, but my claims of authoritarianism thinking were supported with trump examples

But like I said in another response, I'm being a complete fag. I usually try not to rant in this sub. I'm standing down.

Sorry for the attacks. When trump won I really didn't give a fuck and thought well he won, we'll see what he can do. But these Russian connections are too much and the right's talking points that it's ALL the media is just beyond the pale wrong. Russia, spying, foreign hacking, etc. Used to be stuff all Americans agreed on. Now a campaign possibly working with Russia is fucking partisan. Anyone defending Russia is just so unamerican to me and I really think they should be hung for treason as the links are undeniable, there's a mountain of circumstantial evidence and the feds are likely digging up real evidence. Not saying you're defending Russia here, but most that think like you are turning a blind eye. It was just 5 short years ago mitt Romney labeled Russia the greatest modern geopolitical foe, and all the Republicans agreed. And Cumia is just flooring me with his new found Alex Jones mind meld. He constantly talks about how great white men in the 50's/60's were in science and accomplishing space travel, yet I guarantee if those guys read his unamerican twitter feed they would beat the fuck out of him.

shut up faggot

thank god, i was waiting for a voice of reason

You guys are actually very right, I'm being a complete fag. I admit it. Standing down.

OK, "deep state"? Now I know who I'm dealing with in this argument, a mentally challenged sheep, probably a mid 20's dumb fucking millennial.

Is Dennis Kucinich a "mentally challenged sheep mid 20's dumb fucking millennial"?

I wish he was an authoritarian so /u/raqiofan would be thrown in a gulag.

Eh, looking at everyone who he's brought with him to the White House, he's pretty damn authoritarian. Just a different type to Hillary.

Why would I watch that garbage? So I can pat myself on the back and feel good? Because it's not funny, so what's the entertainment out of it

Hahhhaha you flame something that you refuse to watch, what a fucking piece of shit.

Bill mahers show is on par with moshe koshers show

I'm a fan of Bill Maher. I think he is funny and I also agree with him politically on most issues.

I don't think he comes up with the titles.

I respect every public figure who has the integrity to point out that not every religion is the same and islam is the worst

A Jew who hates both Christianity and Islam? So brave!

Don't hate the Guy, politically we likely disagree when it comes the support of NeoLiberals. Show wise he can be a bit limited for a guy that does a show only once a week.

Orange? Didn't he notice Obama's shade?

Bill is a sharp, quick, funny guy. Despite his smugness and his politics, I have to give him that.

The writers on that show are abysmally bad, I don't know where he finds them. I don't know how 3/4 of the jokes in his opening monologue make the air, they're embarrassingly inept. Im like "You're a 30 year vet of stand up, and you thought that joke 'made the cut?'"

If you listen to the podcast version of the show HBO puts out for free, there's something called like "After Bill" or something, an extra 10 minutes of show that didn't make the air. The jokes they cut are so bad you can't believe they're real. Like "Why on Earth would you let any of this see the light of day."

Once again I agree with pretty much all you said. His writers are awful. They only hit my funny bone once in a while. Some of the bits they do are hilarious but many fall flat

He certainly deserves better. I don't know how it's still on the air.

It ain't for the jokes. It's one of the few shows that political debates work on. Mostly because people can talk like adults, bills an informed moderator, he's willing to call out bullshit, and his celebrity and comedy allows him to get away with being blunt to people. He's also really good at disarming with comedy. Look at the Boris interview from last night. Boris has been a complete dick in every interview I've seen because he's adversarial and condescends to the media. He was a little angel with bill and it was a good interview. The cursing and dirty jokes really does add something to political discourse, people aren't as guarded when they are laughing together.

Political statement...

Pop culture reference...



The worst thing about Maher is his audience.

yeah and commenting on reddit that a comedian is a hack definitely isn't a hack thing to do

Where we at with the Boris Epshteyn?

I don't have a problem with Bill Maher bashing Trump, they had issues with one another years before he became President. It's not like the game is just bandwagoning on the "DRUMP!!1!" thing.

The show has a laugh track,enuff said,hacky sack washer.