/r/The_Donald deleted by mods

14  2017-05-20 by stinksskc


Reddit faggots = 1

The donald faggots = 0

Trump=100 % president Rest of cucked reddit= fake monopoly karma points...oo0oo a tough internet snowflake, shaking.

No one cares.

Said the lonely reddit user with make believe friends...goodnight little cuck, count your sheep and go to sleep...

You think you're a good troll. Boy oh boy are you wrong.

This is amazing

you forgot "REEEEEEEEE"

i demand a "REEEEEEE"

come on, i believe in you (to do that , at least)

To be fair The_Donald has a lot more than 0: I mean, Trump getting elected and rubbing it in Reddit faots faces for months must have given them a hell of a lot of points.

Reddit faggots = 1

The donald faggots = 0

Let's hope they all delete their lives too


whatta bunch of sensitive fags


Everybody bitches about Reddit but no one uses Voat. Everybody bitches about Google but no one uses DuckDuckGo.

The circle of life continues.

To be fair Voat's server is run on a toaster, so they never really accommodate large surges of people going there.

Everybody bitches

The circle of life continues.

Whittled it down.

I use DuckDuckGo, but i still use Google's image search.

Try startpage, it uses google's results through a proxy so you can still use image search.

My nigga

tbf reddit has been good to me, theres shit here and there but it didnt affect me

and google made great free shit

Seth Rich

Rich Seth Rogans tots

What a bunch of cuck snowflake fuckspittles.

Reddit's not a public service, they can delete whatever the fudge they want

Reddit moderators didn't invent the internet sweetie.

Thanks hun

Top moderators and reddit admins can delete what ever they want, how is this hard to understand?

what is this even supposed to mean

You know how liberals love their safe spaces

Are you talking about T_D going private so they can have their safe space?

ROFL. Don't you look like a stupid faggot right now.

Boy am I mortified

Membership numbers were steadily dropping before this...people are apparently getting tired of the Trump meme

Seth Rich<-last post deleted by mods...George Orwell much?

No one cares

Because it's ok to ignore facts and ok to promote debunked Russian conspiracies...right okay tin foil hatters.

No one cares

"No one"

Not a fucking one.

Yes and as long as Reddit remains privately owned they can do whatever the fuck they want.

Ugh, please make your profile private you boring cunt.

Lol you looked at my profile...cute and also sad...

What makes you imagine that? I simply replied to your retarded comment.

Sure sure, tell me more about how cool you are. I'm all ears sweetheart.

You say odd things to people.

Sometimes I say normal things to odd people.

The fuck? They only ever went up.

The front page is all anti-Trump. So only the people who support him are getting tired of him?

Because he's exactly what they thought he wasn't.

Last week when I checked it out during the Seth Rich stuff they had like 60k+ active users, who you foolin'?

I'm not sure why reddit thinks that banning or deleting opinions makes them go away

It usually works great

You're right, after they banned fatpeoplehate I found myself loving those big beautiful (and brave!) women

Snatched, in theaters now.

Did they create a new sub to replace that one?

Just out of curiosity, y'know?

There are 5 admins on a site with millions of commenters. There is some filtering, but there are no opinions that are forced away. Some of them are forced to have the language scaled back (eg. Fatpeoplehate became fatlogic and you can be banned for calling someone a hamplanet) but the ideas are still allowed to exist.

People with shitty opinions always try to make themselves into victims. Even in this sub there are constant user reports about people being called mean names, so there are SJW readers, meanwhile there are people who post about "the jew" in every comment they make and they're upvoted. There is a lot of diversity on Reddit, people just get upset that their opinions are (from their perspective) under represented.

You're all queers.

What a bunch of crybaby faggots that subreddit is

and always has been. "muh amindmint rights"


Hopefully were next

Do you have any idea how many of those idiot retarded faggots are going to end up here? My liver is supersoaker-ing bile at the thought of it.

It's all getting a bit hysterical but I agree with the basic argument that they should not have rules and algorithms that apply only to them.

I don't care personally, but Reddit doesn't want the entire front page to be The_D posts. These guys were running scripts to upvote everything in their sub. That's why the rule was put into place, unless we're talking about something new.

That might be a more valid reason if there weren't daily anti-trump posts botted straight to the top of /all all day every day. There's a nuisance aspect to it but anyone who argues there isn't a major ideological motivation behind it too is dishonest.

I don't think those are botted there, I think most of Reddit is just left wing so they upvote those posts. Oh also, you are all faggots.

There has been extensive proof offered (in t_d threads though so I dunno where it might be now) and today there was one at the top of /all from a sub with 300 subscribers at over 6k votes when I saw it. There was also an article not long ago showing you can basically buy your way to the top of reddit for like a couple hundred bucks. The argument over whether or not these posts are organic is settled; they ain't.

The_D would post all day how they couldn't reach the top of /r/politics but failed to realize they had less than 1/8 of the subscriber list. They were a small fuck up who did damage once and it got to their pea sized brains. Here at O&A, we never let fame get in the way of our hatred and endurance to slander an individual until it hurts them mentally, and possibly physically.

they used to reach the front page every day. their people didn't leave. the algorithm changed.

False News

Buzz word queer

Faggot who uses the ter "buzz words"

I saw a lot kf accusations but no proof that bots were used. You see that when subs with low usercounts and low up votes suddenly have a post with like 10 000 karma. T_D threads typically have thousands of comments and votes, it just seems to be popular and notorious sub.


You think one of the top 3 subreddits on the entire site had to bot to upvote things? /r/the_donald is probably the biggest Republican hangout on the internet.

Isn't it more likely that all these anti-trump subs are the one botting, with some threads having xx,xxxx upvotes but only 4 comments?

I wouldn't doubt that both sides are doing it. Surprised first post is a controversial opinion though. I actually did see some posts last fall that showed evidence of The_D members using scripts.

Ok, here it is. I wish it was from a different source for neutrality, but it is what it is.


I'm very hesitant to believe that because of the source like you said. The only 4chan script I saw being shared around on /pol/ (when I did check it) was screenshots of what CTR were using. They're also were direct linking 8chan like noobs not understanding it expires quicker.

I do programming and have built marketing tools for bulk submission on social media (not Reddit though). It would be stupid to have a browser extension that handles everything they're saying, you would be banned very quickly from the amount of footprints you're leaving behind.

The screenshots from CTR and their Reddit bots were much more legit looking because it was an actual desktop app, which is what you see for marketing tools (that or dedicated websites for them).

What basic argument? Reddit isn't run by the government. It's a privately owned website and the people that run the site can do whatever the fuck they want. Don't like it? Go over to one of the many message boards around or start one yourself. Setting something up doesn't take much.

Fan your seething cunt, I never declared anything as a matter of law, just gave my opinion. Here's another one; you're an inflamed anus.

The parent mentioned Matter Of Law. For anyone unfamiliar with this term, here is the definition:(In beta, be kind)

A phrase used to describe an issue that is undecided and can be answered by applying the law to the facts. [View More]

See also: Question Of Law | Avoidance | Ascertained | Authorize | Deny | Matter Of Fact

Note: The parent poster (age_of_cage or stinksskc) can delete this post | FAQ


"Fan your seething cunt" - beautiful

I love when this argument gets spun around.

If you don't like that this restaurant is White's Only, go somewhere else!

Every one is trying desperately to be the victim. I've had no problem expressing differing opinions on this site other than bans from the SJW subs that share a ban list, and The_Donald. They're pretty much the same thing.

It's not a restaurant and no ones being discriminated based on anything they can't help so I don't give a fuck.

The Donald really jumped the shark with the Seth Rich stuff, that was too retarded even for them.

Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary and Bill Clinton is a rapist.

Hillary shot Seth Rich, while Bill was raping him.

Waa hapah?

When Trump was talking about banning the press from the White House. /R/ the donald said "If anybody criticizes this you will be banned". Because a lot of people, including Trump supporters were angry about this. Also, The Donald was always a very creepy sub. It always felt like Russian trolls or bots are heavily involved in that site.

/r/The_Donald and /r/politics are both mindless partisans.

Only one of those claims to be unbiased, unfiltered excellence.

No they didn't. They voluntarily went private after 3 mods were removed by reddit.

So brave!

I think it says reddit "deleted 3 of their mods" and theyre doing this for publicity

I wouldn't have to if cock smoochers like you didn't keep throwing them around trying to be trendy

Thanks hun

Top moderators and reddit admins can delete what ever they want, how is this hard to understand?

what is this even supposed to mean