If Patrice stayed alive, how long would Burr have been with Nia before being convinced she's retarded

18  2017-05-20 by CoyoteeBongwater

or would that never have even happened because he'd be getting his fill of black wisdom from good ole patriky


Patrice wouldn't have cared. They saw each other once a year

burr's greatest trick was convincing people they were close at all.

They were probably close, they knew eachother from the early 90s atleast and would hang out as friends as just them two. But Patrice did say he's biggest friend in comedy was Bobby Kelly.

Yeah but isn't Bobby everyone's biggest friend?

That's a fucking lie! His biggest friend in comedy was obviously Opie.

dont know about biggest friend.

but what gets overlooked by virtually all of you, is that patriceĀ“s biggest ON AIR collaborator was without a question anthony cumia.

sure opie was in the room, and sometimes norton, and thx to tough crowd colin quinn is a close 2nd i bet.

but nr 1 is anthony cumia BY FAR .. and both of them are gone from the airwaves.

check that o&a patrice collection again if you dont believe me

no. they knew "of" each other in the 90's, bill even said he rarely hung w Quinn, Kelly, Norton, Keith & Vos (Patrice's friends). Bill burr is the only one of the 2 of them who said they ever hung out, and it was only after Patrice died, that burr ever mentioned the story about the tunnel (the one and only time they are alleged to have hung out 1on1)

i don't think patrice could physically exist today, he and society would annihilate each other in a flash of pure energy

Well sure. Because he's dead. Him being alive would create a huge energy mass time paradox with the energy of literally 10 earth suns.

the fuck u talking about faggot

stop it with the negative vibes

Would this flash be similar to the one when Chuck Norris and Mr.T pity the same fool or whatever Erock email shit

i would not go as far as to say that.

but i am absolutely sure that Patrice Oneal would have visited Compound Media.

Bill's pussy whipped.He's done, till the divorce.