Sherrod Small claims he has a 160 IQ (top 0.003 percent of IQ scores)

6  2017-05-20 by [deleted]



For reference, that would mean Sherrod has the same IQ as Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein.

I believe his is higher.

those i can see, but there's no way he's as smart as Trump

Its funny cuz he isn't very smart

Must be why he's so funny. Six standard deviations from the norm is amazing. Love that chicken from the restaurant known as Popeye's.

I would believe that he is six standard deviations to the left side of the bell curve.

Statistical yumor

Yeah fawkin' 50% or sumphin'

That's some second quartile humour right there.

That's 4, actually.

African-American average is 85 so it's five and we were both wrong.

Dassabessdoe, just being a genius and fuck..

You fucked it up but ill still give you an upvote, bud

That fat tongued motherfucker couldn't count to 160.

I like how Ari just let it slide, knowing that debating him about that would be a waste of everyone's time.

Why emitting and absorbing radiation at all wavelengths in thermodynamic equilibrium gotta be black?

Is there a timestamp? I heard his voice in the intro and had to close it.


jesus christ this is like the wigger mullen talked about saying his iq was 170

Dassabesso, juss' explorin' the cosmos n' fuckin'.

Nice time code.

Thanks, it doesn't work on mobile I guess. I'm no 160 IQ.

I think he meant to say on a test one's 60.

Timestamp for mobile is 24:35.

Thank goodness he's using his mental powers for good every night in some dimlit bar basement.

Dr. Whiteman: "Sherrod, the results are in, your IQ is 60"
Sherrod: "I've got 60 IQs, wow that's a lot fo IQs"
Dr. Whiteman: "No, you have 1 IQ and it is 60"
Sherrod: "This is confusing, how man IQs do I have, 1 or 60?" Dr. Whiteman: "You have 1 IQ and it is 60. Your IQ is 60 and you only have 1 IQ."
Sherrod: "Ok... I've got a 160 IQ, dassabesso."

That's a black IQ.