Bill Nye should kill himself in front of a large crowd.

89  2017-05-20 by TangerineReam


Chromosomes have nothing to do with science so why mention it? Be reasonable.

Why is a mechanical engineer talking about sciences besides physics?

Why not. Science is easy as shit, anyone with a high school degree could do a weekends research and do a show on photosynthesis or the chemistry of alcohols. Scientists aren't fucking smart. Physicists, mathematicians, and engineers make chemist and biologists look like communications majors.

Bill Nye should kill himself though.

after all, opie could have been a rockstar scientist if he had chosen to be.

Too bad his extra chromosome prevented that.

Organic chemistry has one of the lowest pass rates of any subject in college.

Organic chemistry is for pussies. It's a phony "weed out" class that prides itself on difficulty because it's a sophomore year class with almost no prerequisites so chemistry students get babied into it and then realize they shouldn't be STEM majors. Physical chemistry is the only thing I'll give science majors cred for.

True shit. Organic was just a lot of memorization. All that's required of you is sitting In front of a whiteboard memorizing reaction types for 30 minutes each day.

Synthesis problems require more than memorization. There is plenty of memorization in physics too, in fact it's mostly memorizing equations and then plugging in numbers.

Not sure what school you went to but it generally has like 5 pre reqs. And the fact that it is a weed out class is my point, it's hard.

Your not wrong. All of the scientists I know are just really good at following the specific procedures and techniques particular to their area of research. It requires zero critical analysis or abstract theorizing.

I'm pretty sure biology is the harder science.

This could be the stupidest comment I've ever read. It's easy to learn known things in those areas of science, but the point of science is discovery.

Science is for homos. Go discover a cliff to jump off.

Alright regular joe.

This is seriously the dumbest comment I've ever read. Go watch some star trek shit is what your after. Self styled erudite pontificating about the wonders of discover. Fuck you

Yeah, there's no way a person who understands the fundamental mechanics of the universe could understand other fields of science, you maroon.

Yeah, there's no way a person who understands the fundamental mechanics of the universe could understand other fields of science, you maroon.

But if he was really doing his show on that, would anyone be bitching about it?

Would this thread exist? Would you be here on a Friday night at 4am calling me colors, you magenta?

I'm not talking about Nye. I'm addressing your idea that a mechanical engineer wouldn't be capable of understanding other sciences for some reason.

Again, why would he be the first choice? It's like a mailman being a sheriff.

How's it anything like a mailman being a sheriff? It was a stupid kids show about basic science. They could have gotten an accountant to put a lab coat on a do it.

Who said anything about first choices? I was simply addressing your idea that a mechanical engineer wouldn't be capable of understanding other sciences for some reason.

I'd buy that ticket! Hahaha

I would too as long as you're the opening act.


one day, he will

Why? You don't like shows aimed at children encouraging their viewers to sit on dicks because they might like it?


Shuuureee I do...

Yeah, let's not get carried away here. Like you said, there are some positive messages provided in his stupid show.

What way will the bullet go oh oh oh? Hopefully he shoots off his sex junk before the head shot.

I don't like how all the childhood goodwill has been taken away from a literal genius just because you disagree politically. He's old. He did a lot of good, who gives a shit that he has just recently said some uninformed stuff. Stop being so mad and just suck some dick, its cathartic.

possibly because he's cynically using that childhood goodwill to push an agenda rather than good information? what else does he deserve?

I don't think that's his intention. He just wants to be relevant still. I feel bad for him.

Suck his cock and fist his ass.

I'll start out by saying that I think Bill Nye is a douche, and wouldn't watch his new show if I was paid to do so, but what is his agenda that he's trying to push exactly? Is it climate change, or an entirely different thing all together. Because I don't think a "scientist" talking about climate change is really pushing an agenda when it's the general consensus, except amongst a few retarded contrarian conservatives. So is there if another agenda there that I'm not seeing?

So is there another agenda there that I'm not seeing?

Pull up the sex junk song lyrics and read them until you get it.

Why does anthony get a pass for being a Senile old man but Bill Nye doesnt. Lets say both get pegged by Sue Cumis

Wow, I just watched the whole video. What a total faggot.

Welcome to the Opie and Anthony subreddit. Enjoy your stay.

I still don't understand the purpose of this sib, but I like it

It's an extension of the early internet E/N scene. Then there are these random white supremacists who pop up and add nothing to the discussion because Anthony's new show isn't funny, and they think they're intellectually and morally superior because they agree with cherry picked news stories from a drunken dago.

I've been here for years. I just represent the boyis,h sissy underbelly of this place.

Swallow battery acid you faggot.

Took you long enough.

Who would clean my cum off the audience if he did?

I would :)

In the final episode, Bill Nye invites his wife and the wives of all the white male crew members to the show, along with a member of ISIS. Bill Nye spends the first part of the episode apologizing for everything that white people have done throughout history, then he and all of the white male crew members line up and get on their knees. One by one, the ISIS member beheads each and every single one, then spends the remainder of the episode having sex with their wives, who now belong to him.

Hahaha as I finished reading your paragraph, I was imagining the wife rape orgy and the old Bill Nye song started playing in my head lIke BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!!!

Why boner

The sad thing is I'm pretty sure he's only fallen in with these crazy retards in an attempt to spread his views on global warming to a larger audience. I doubt he believes or even really listens to half of the insane shit these neon haired megadykes say on his own show.

This. He's a full blown kike, both racially and ideologically. Doubt his show is nothing more than 95% taqiyya.

"His views on global warming"

I can't believe people like you still exist. It's fucking meausruble. It's not a political issue. There's definitely a liberal fringe that is calling for extreme overreactions to it that are thinly veiled attempts to siphon money from the government, but that has nothing to do with the science.

The amount of conservatives on here who still think climate change is a liberal hoax is kinda sad. That's some Opie level of retard.

Easy Al Gore, I never said I disagreed with him, I was just pointing out it's his pet issue.

Because science!

You're the conservative version of a libtard

But his sex junk is so oh-oh-oh!

He should explain the ballistic physics of a .38 then produce one from his fake lab coat and say "like this"

bud dwyers in front of the netflix audience

budd dwyer? Do you always mimic lil jimmys phrases or just today?

Jimmy doesn't own R. Budd Dwyer references, sir. FUCKING FILTER RIPPED JIMMY OFF WTF

This guy only knew about Bud Dwyer because of OnA and thinks thats how everyone else is


The time to stop talking was a day ago, faggot

Budd Dwyer is literally a hero how dare you mention him in the same sentence as that disgraced comic.

Budd Dwyer is literally an hero

You misspelled Anthony Cumia.

No no. Trump giving away billions of dollars to the coal industry is not a political move. It's the correct response given the data that global warming is a librul myth

Fucken double guns. You got us. If hillary Wins wisconsin and the whole chain of command is impeached she can win. #glassceilinh


My favorite facebook page fam

This show killed his career.

? This or His show?

One a few idiots in this sub complain of Bill Nyes good will but those same FEW idiots suck Anthonys Puh puh Peckah for past success.

Death is a social construct.

I think his Gnostic Church guys demoted him to this joker shit. Deacon Dawkins,, Bishop Tyson and Pope Hawkins had it with him and hence the dirty work.

I dabble in Gnosticism myself, but even I'm not going to refute facts for the sake of politics. Idiots like this man are astoundingly hypocritical however. They don't want you to conflate gender with biology, but thats EXACTLY what they wind up doing


True shit. Organic was just a lot of memorization. All that's required of you is sitting In front of a whiteboard memorizing reaction types for 30 minutes each day.

budd dwyer? Do you always mimic lil jimmys phrases or just today?

Not sure what school you went to but it generally has like 5 pre reqs. And the fact that it is a weed out class is my point, it's hard.