How did Erik's face become so fucked up?

4  2017-05-19 by disawayisthrows

I like the Piggy Boy as much as the next guy, but what has happened to his face defies all logic. I just saw a recent picture of him, how in the fuck did his eyes become the way they did? He doesn't look human.


Are we really going to sit back and let this dolt ask this question? HE GOT FAT AS A MOTHERFUCKER. HIS BODY HIS TITS HIS FACE. morbidly obese. hes fat. thats what happens. Sorry for the outburst but come the fuck on dude

Well, yeah, but how do you get so fat your eyes move farther apart?

Dude people get fat, peoples fucking faces and eyes don't detach and separate and change angles when they get fat.

Erik looks legitimately retarded, its fucking bizarre.

his eyes arent moving, his face is swallowing his face

Get fat then drink a fifth of vodka every night and you too can look obese and starving at the same time

Hey settle down we're all friends here

i think hes developed quite the drinking habit. That plus his love of treats.

Are steak martinis drinks?

with Jack Daniels BBQ sauce they are. Inhale responsibly.

I love the Jack Daniels Saw--

His zookeeper has been giving him extra salami sticks lately

He must have had a recessive triplet strain of the 21st chromosome, that (for some reason) activated itself recently.


Perhaps you should ask Dr Steve

Well, all the adipose tissue is increasing levels of the aromatase enzyme in his body, which turns testosterone into estrogen - particularly estradiol.

Estradiol, in turn, increases flewwwid retention. All the excess flewwwid in his face makes his eyes present like someone with trisomy-21- also known as downs syndrome

I'm assuming he did something he wasn't supposed to at the Willy Wonka factory.

perhaps a geneticist could chime in

It's the face of an alcoholic

his eyes arent moving, his face is swallowing his face

Are steak martinis drinks?

I love the Jack Daniels Saw--

His zookeeper has been giving him extra salami sticks lately

Get fat then drink a fifth of vodka every night and you too can look obese and starving at the same time