Chris Cornell fucking sucks

0  2017-05-19 by OpieHasTits

Sick of seeing this faggot all over social media. Nobody gave a fuck about him and his throaty singing voice other than nostalgia-fags who grew up on it. Audioslave fucking stunk. Soundgarden weren't much better. Fuck him! Glad he's dead.


tss tell us how you really feel


Shut up you poop eater

suck my peckahh


ohh youre incorrigible

That's aggressive, why don't you go take a drive through Time Square to calm down.

Not to nit pick, but it's Times Square, named after the newspaper that used to have its HQ there.

Actually it's named after the good times everyone has there....

Actually it's more of a circle than a square

You're right. Before the Times it was called Whore Square.

You're a sick fawkin puppy

my bad.

Fuck off!

Just a stab in the dark, but are you Elliot Rodger's ghost??

I'm ya mother

People praising this guy are sick. The guy is a murderer! He killed Chris Cornell.

Wtf u tawkin bout

Think for a moment

people are faggots. i couldnt even cringe listen to that full clip.

wahh my wife's favorite singer, who she thinks about while I fuck her died. AGOOSH

Damn this place has just gotten SO FUCKING EXTREME. I mean I just can't believe the levels of SHOCK. It's also cool when people write NIER AND FAOT!!!!

I also like to put a condom on my wrestling toys and fit them in my ass during MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!

You took the time to login to the account to post this to me?

Actually it's named after the good times everyone has there....

my bad.