If you listen carefully you'll find Lindsy is not a fan of JAZZ IT UP

6  2017-05-18 by Notmyfirstacc3


She calls him 'Opie' at home?

Sometimes Bam. By accident.

Even Bobo wanted girls to call him by his real name when he was fantasizing on air.

Imagine out of all the millionaires an attractive blond could get she reels this one in. The guy who named her son after a polluted river and gave her a 'Bonnie's sister' with his old cum the second time around.

Idk what "proof" anyone would have...but is there any of Opie's 2nd being a water-head?

I've heard that a few times. Makes sense. I haven't listened to his shit show in years but i know he never talked about the 2nd kid.

It's just an assumption based on him not talking about the second kid at all. He put up videos of Hudson that I believe are gone now but the second kid may as well not exist from what I remember listening to O&A. Plus it makes me howl.

He's a very rich man. She's a depreciating asset. It's unfortunately how that trade go.

He has fat wrists.

Is he intentionally trying to make it look like shit? I don't get the purpose of these awful videos?

That's the bit you dope!

Mother of god....he has a horrifyingly decrepit face. Porous. Visually upsetting.

What da bitch in background say? Poor woman. Husband making these stupid fucking videos all day....while his tits grow bigger with each passing moon.

The food that this prick makes is fucking enraging.


No, its not.

Is that the way all Americans pronounce "crepe" or is this just an Opieism?

It's Opie saying it wrong on purpose because some fat spic told him that it's funny to fuck up food on Twitter.


His hands are grotesque

So is his horrible face. I recoiled when that monstrosity barged into the screen with its giant SNIIIIIIIFFFFFFF

What did she say?

What did she say?

''Oh Opie.. Can you not''