Ant Just Saved The Cost Of A New iPad

24  2017-05-18 by EncinoEscobar


Says the guy who's openly bragged about drunk driving and currently has a suspended license for aggravated reckless driving.

Let's not forget, like my 5 year old, a biter as well.

No shit. It's pure luck Ant hasn't injured or killed anyone drunk driving.

Hasn't got caught anyways.

Keith knows something.

Wasn't this an accident? And the guy was also in the Navy. This "animal" was twice the man Ant ever was.

Is there an article about this story?

it was on the news earlier

Was it?

yes it was

Do we know anyone in the Navy we can ask for confirmation?

And the guy was also in the Navy

tss tss what, izzie all deep blue up in thiz mug or sumptin?

Coming from a guy who not only cracked a girl's ribs but he always frequently drives drunk at 100 mph.

And screams and spits on casino carpets when he's losing.

What a guinea

Ant reminds me more and more of Deadwood characters. He's no Steve, not yet, but more of a Leon.

Steve was far more entertaining than Anthony is now.

Fluffys just fat now

I'm beginning to think Ant has brain rot from all the alcohol.

Ant's thought process has become retarded.

I can't believe I used to think he was smart. Mr. nasa-control-center was never smart. Liking geeky subjects doesn't make anyone smart.

I hope he gets alzheimers in 10 years. Old retarded fuck.

he's not smart, per se, he just has an amazingly good memory for strange things. he remembers stuff from high school chemistry right before he dropped out that I'm actually shocked by.

but i'm not sure he understands what it all means or was interested to look further into it.

He also has good memory for shitty old TV shows

also if you are in a room with opie and jimmy, it's not hard to come off as intelligent.

Opie once said "water don't make sense"

Jimmy thinks because people like TMZ, the government should be able to tap civilian's phones. Says the guy who won't upload anything into a cloud and password protects his pictures.

The point is, that room isn't full of heavy hitters when it comes to intellect

His wit and personality have definitely been dulled and twisted with age and untreated alcoholism.

He was smart compared to all of the dumb assholes on the show like Opie and Jim. Anthony at least had some intellectual curiosity and would rattle off something he saw on the Discovery channel, which is way more than you could ask from the other guys.

All of the alcohol abuse is definitely having a serious negative effect that is getting worse as time goes on, but don't forget that he is also a pill-popper as much as he is an alcoholic. There is no way that you do Xanax and god knows what else for years and years and not have it effect you in a bad way.

I wouldn't call him stupid, but his brain is definitely deteriorating, combined with the fact that he is just so consumed with anger over things that he shouldn't care about at all. As absurd as it is, Obama really triggered something deep inside his brain that he hasn't been able to shut off since. He was always a trashy, racist wop but never to the point where that's all he was, but that's all he is now. He's a lot like AJ in the last season of The Sopranos where he is just so consumed with negativity in the world that it eats him alive. Like Meadow tells him, you gotta learn to just shut this stuff out because it isn't healthy.

He also fucked a tranny.

Odd way of saying that. To add "beautiful" when there's a picture of her. It speaks for itself. Is Ant just making sure people know that he only fucks women now?

I don't know what Cumio fantasy was worse, the patrol boat/saving a white chick from raving savages or the miniture woman he can eat and roll in his mouth.

It's an interesting fact that no white man has ever killed a woman. Look it up if you don't believe me

It's been a while since I scrolled through Ant's twitter, but holy shit... I thought you guys were blowing his race-obsession out of proportion, but the dago is just as much a hypocrite as his big titted partner (for different reasons of course). I really hope Sue doesn't let him suck her cock anymore, she can't associate with degenerates like him.

jesus, some of the comments makes us look tame.

His name is Vito Gabagoolio. All of these fucking animals need to be deproted immediately.