A Beautiful Sexy Woman, Apparently

8  2017-05-18 by EncinoEscobar


I felt bad for this thing when it was getting thrown into solitary every other day but it still belongs in jail.

You would think that in all that time in solitary he would have noticed the penis.

I honestly thought this was a Graham Techler photoshop until I looked at the name.


The thread is worth and the account is worth a read if you've not had your daily dose of hate.

I still think this is the funniest shit the government ever did to a whistleblower.

Is that the term for a faot?


That's Tony's bit!

He's not brave. He's a little faot who couldn't come to grips with the fact that he liked cock so he had to call himself a woman to make it acceptable in his own mind.

All the people congratulating him are morons. Celebrating a fucking mental illness like it was some heroic act. Useless jizzbags.

Dani brand keeps looking worse and worse.

Anthony is going to take her on a cruise

Can't wait to talk to her on chaturbate.

Just think about it, in 2018 the W.H.O is going to officially declare being a tranny is not a mental health issue

I have to applaud you guys for not mentioning that he was a political prisoner for four years, or that he is one of the world's foremost whistleblowers.

Oh go suck it's dick why don't you.

The people who rail against taxes don't really seem to understand how they work. Does Anthony think he's footing the bill for another young femboy?

This handsome woman was a political prisoner. Anthony has a vibrator.

Jesus Christ. For every passable tranny, there's 1000s of low-effort abominations. Just live your life like Troy and fuck other men.

Ant will fuck that.

This explains why the third Manning brother doesn't have a SB ring.

Very post-punk. Not a bad look.

I'd like to see Bruce Jenner in a Wonder Woman cosh-tuume kick this traitors's ass.

Another mentally ill piece of shit.