BREAKING - Opie's career dead at 53

98  2017-05-18 by Dawgsie

He was as smart as a retarded 14 year old.


He grew up poor.....

That's hilarious!

to bill burr it is

Until he came into the service of the mafia, who taught him how to talk and sniff.

He couldn't get the wonderbread. Can you not feel his pain?

His career is survived by 2 children, his Ex wife Lynsi and her lover Bam

Im all for the shells but that ending was cold blooded

I feel like there should be an asterisk on "children"

They found his dead career locked in a hotel room. The cause of death was inhalation of fumes from two shitty diapers. Opie's career is survived by two retarded children and Bam Margera's side piece.

Baby diaper mustache addiction.

We'll plan a trip to the grave so we could do a piss bukakki on it. Then jerk each other off if the weathers right.

Spell "piss bukkake" correctly ya fucking prude.

Suck my puss infected cock first, you silly faggy nigger.

I'll leave that for your uncle. Get back in your cage.

I'm too old for my uncle fuck nut, so your mouth will have to do. Or your asshole. Don't worry about the lube, puss will help that.

You're not too old. You still see it as your duty to please that man. More jokes about puss and cocks please. They're fucking great.

It's "pus", you braindead gimp.

Unless it was a particularly deadly puss...

Fay nier, please.

is the show finally over??

It has been for quite some time. How the fuck have you not noticed?

I stopped paying attention to Opie when the Jim and Sam show happened....and I guess Opie hasn't had anything go very viral since then

Has he ever gone viral?

hey man, he was recruited by a viral video company in England! he's goes viral professionally! I wonder if they just wanted to monetize the cake stomp video...

He's goes on the east coast

The cake stomp video paid for everyone's fish and chips for at least a week.

England is international fuck face

That basketball video put up numbers. A regular Rick Roller that one.

Yes, he can retire with his millions and his attractive family after a good radio career where they threatened Stern at the apex. Or, he can reunite with Anthony, make a good amount of money working part-time while you stock shelves somewhere. You've won dude, be proud.

I don't find Opie's children "attractive".

I make over 400k a year nigger, fuck off! I haven't stocked shelves since I was 16. And I promise you, no matter how much money I have, I will never stop driving that piece of shit into the ground. Go fuck yourself to death!

Thanks. Winning feels great...

...becaush here's da ching. I value not being a total fucking cunt over money. I see worth in friends and self achievement instead of no friends or social skills, and only praise due to the fact that my name is in the title of a radio show made successful by two other people. My girlfriend actually likes me, I don't make up shit to be accepted by people who don't like me (who ultimately laugh at my absurd fucking hokum), and I'm not currently selling my possessions due to a severe downturn in fortune and having to eat my balls in order to still have a chance at a gig with someone who fucking detests me and fucks kids.

So yeah. I'd say I'm winning in comparison to Opie.

Here's what we know. He has friends. The other two people involved with that radio show have failed miserably in any other venture. You have no idea if his wife likes him, if he's selling possessions, or if he's eating balls. That's just angry fag speculation like the "Bam fucks his wife" retards.

He had a great run. You are posting angrily in an Opie tribute sub years after the real show died because of his involvement in radio.

I Know you're a huge faot.

  1. What friends?
  2. They are collectively failures post show.
  3. What is there for her to like now money isn't piling in?
  4. He's selling his beach house in the Hamptons at a loss.
  5. He's in talks with Ant. He's eating his balls.
  6. I'm posting here because people here are funny. There's no anger from me, just satisfaction at seeing the products of delusion finally coming to fruition.

Post pics of girlfriend.

Have done in other subs!

You assume Opie has the ability to do any of those things and be happy doing them. No one here wants Opie to be happy. He wont be happy. So, OP does win. How do you know whatever job this Dre cocksucker has doesnt make him happy? He may love to stock shelves and may love it even more knowing that a millionaire cant be happy on the radio or with his hot wife who fucks other people...


Does Bam stil sneak over and fuck Lynds when opster is on the air? I recall Opie stating on air a few years ago how "tired he was of getting home to find his wife dripping from her snatch"

Yes, yes he does

He did mention that he had to replace his floors several times because of "skateboard damage."

He had a 53-year career?

I rushed in here excited, but was ultimately disappointed when I realised the title of the thread was "Opie's career dead at 53" and not "Opie dead at 53"

There would have been cheers in the streets if it had been the latter.

Was it ever really alive?

That's hilarious!

Until he came into the service of the mafia, who taught him how to talk and sniff.

He couldn't get the wonderbread. Can you not feel his pain?