Chris Cornell's best song mannn

4  2017-05-18 by unclepaul84


Ew, did he really put out a pop record?

He made an album with Timbaland in 2009. They claimed it was going to "revolutionize music" and it ended up being one of the biggest flops in music history because rock stations didn't want to play it and neither did R&B stations.

Oh shit, totally forgot about that. And rightfully so.

It didn't help that he called it "this era of music's Darkside of the Moon" in an interview. Then Pink Floyd sold more copies the first hour that went on sale than Scream has in 8 years.

I just read the wiki on the album, when Trent Reznor calls your shit "embarrassing" you fucked up.

And they were friends and he still shit all over it.

Fun fact: Cornell started his music career in a pop boyband. Most people don't know that.

Kinda glad he's dead now.

Is that Michelle Obama next to him?

Timbaland and Method Man. Did not expect this song or those two in a video with this dude.

He should've killed himself out of shame immediately after recording this.