Rage Against The Machine singer dead at 52...

0  2017-05-18 by OpieHasTits

RIP Chris Cornell


Try that again. I think you meant soundgarden/Audioslave. Rage is Zach de la. Rocha

Audioslave... Singer for RATM...

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Cornell

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It's a dumb joke, sure. Inside joke - not even close. But it's so dumb that the fact you don't get it is what is most revealing.

No shit, that's why I asked in the last comment

That's why I spelled out the joke in my first reply.

are you retarded

If even a kratom addict like stinks gets the joke, well, you might as well just start using heroin. Your life won't get any worse, and you certainly won't get any dumber.

I laughed.