Old Ass Nigga

36  2017-05-18 by BrianGilgoresDJ


He's steadily working his way towards this


Don't compare that dirty old drunk to Bukowski

Ant Vigoda

Laugh your tears away, laugh your tears awaaaaaay

Almost looks photoshopped

Looks like a Dick Tracy villain.

Anthony "Scrote-Face" Cumia.

Looks like Muammar Gaddafi, post-sodomy.

those apes stabbed him in the ass

Jesus Christ, Anthony is an ugly man. Turns out being an alcoholic for almost your entire life isn't great for your skin.

When they found Carbone in the meat truck, it took them 3 days to thaw him out for the autopsy

What was a bigger waste of money - the dinosaur statue or his hair/teeth?

Why wouldnt he grow the facial hair back to hide that moon surface face?

He had it all transplanted to his scalp.

Coffee cake nigguh

He looks a wax figured, carved from cum

Anthony aged like tofu.

No one on earth needs facial hair as bad as Anthony Cumia. In an unexpected show of bad judgement he shaved it all off.

Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...

He is 2 years older than Tom Cruise