Just a reminder: Bill Burr's cliff-ape made him get rid of his dog

40  2017-05-18 by crookedmile


I wonder how much power drinking Burr's tears gives you exactly. Do you think her wrinkles disappeared?

It temporarily makes her skin lighter.

Bill is a cuck faggot who is raising the son of a UPS driver

I'm more concerned with the fact that she made Bill name the dog after Ms. Cleo the 1-900 "psychic".

I bet she had a good laugh about that.

I've said it before, will say it again, he was smart to give her up given her past aggression and the arrival his mixed race baby.

So he's just been lying for years about how she was the sweetest dog you'd ever meet?
Here's an idea, gate the fucking thing.

Nah, he's talked about how she was aggressive to some relatives a few years ago, and bit one of his cigar buddies. (Cleo, not Nia).

What are you talking about, he's still with Nia.


That much was responsible. The fucking drums and the old truck are where it gets stupid.

Maybe making him get rid of the truck was a preemptive thing. She probably wanted to take the chance of her becoming the next James Byrd off the table before springing the inevitable divorce on him.

Wait, she made him get rid of the drums? He's gonna go insane.

I don't like the new Bill and I really don't like Nia, but I'll be honest here, it wasn't a stupid decision to get rid of the dog.

That dog was a rescue pit bull. It had fought other dogs earlier in its life. They are having a tiny, fragile child.

The kid is smaller than the dog. The kid would be getting attention that that dog would usually get. The dog would hate that kid.

That dog would be one bad memory away from tearing that kid apart.

I agree. The dog probably hated niggers because that is who made it fight other dogs.

Lol j/k dogs and niggers have always hated one another. It's not like Africans ever domesticated them and evolved to appreciate the purpose they served to higher functioning peoples.

Lmao " appreciate the purpose they served to higher functioning peoples"

What about the truck and drums?

I would take 10 rabies infected pit bulls in my home before that woman's spawn.

That's such a sad dog

It took after the owner who's a beta animal abusing cuck

It looks like she's looking around wondering where her master is

its smart to get the dog out of the house in black ppl culture dog fighting is very popular and i dont know if its safe for the dog to be in a house with another black person on the way

I know you are making a joke, but the story about how pitbulls got such a bad rep is actually slightly racist.

In the 60s, when crime started hitting the inner cities, it became very dangerous to live there and the predominately black people living there got guard dogs. Like Anthony they were afraid of home invasions. But this caused a huge uptick in people not being home invaders being bitten by these pitbulls and a world wide crackdown started on the breed.

The rise of the pit fear coincides with the crack epidemic. Which makes sense, and is also fascinating.

I mean at one point there was talk of the pit being what the bald eagle is now. The mascot of the US.

There's an interesting book on it and you can read an article here: http://fusion.kinja.com/the-racist-story-behind-the-pit-bull-s-fall-from-americ-1793857029

I know this is the worst possible place to post this, but it is genuinely interesting.

Im gay

I know this is the worst possible place to post this, but it is genuinely interesting.

This is going great

Sorry bud but pitbulls are nigger dogs


How is that story racist you dumb nigger

Didn't she get the dog for them in the first place, without consulting Bill first.

Yeah, that's the story in the stand up routine. She got the dog and he fell in love with it when he expected to hate the dog.

A man's man doesn't mix the races

Pit bulls are bigger dogs and they need to be exterminated

reading something bad about dogs is the closest i can relate to people being offended by racist jokes

"It's how they're raised not the breed" says a pit bull owner as it tears away from it's owner and chews on a toddler's face.

Susprised Nia didn't eat the dog in one bite, bitch's mouth is enormous

Cliff ape whats he impersonatin a cliff or sumthin?

Double dolomites cocksucka

cliff-ape is one of the funniest things i've ever read.

"Cliff ape" too funny!!

"Cliff ape" too funny!!

Im so glad i stopped listening to that faggots podcast. The nia's perspective bullshit was getting unbearable "durr my girlfriend fucked another guy what does nia have to say -welllllll i mean are we getting the whole storrrryyyy" . I cant believe he gave away cleo he fucking LOVED that dog. Fucking pasty cuck

They fattened that dog up and sold him to the Yullen Dog Festival.