Gregg "Opie" Hughes: "People are finally starting to ask themselves about the JQ and they are slowly realizing that they already know the Final Solution... now we just need to implement it."

23  2017-05-17 by FilipinoTransHookers

What did Opie mean by this?


He has mentioned Jewish ownership of the media on the show before. I guess he's just following through -- finally!!!!

Not a real quote; it doesn't finish with a sniff.

He was talking about "Jacked Queers" and how he is finally going to come out of the closet and start taking it up the ass publicly and stop living a lie.

Sam said this didn't happen

That's because denial is his standard approach to truth.

I would've laughed at this if you had written it in the way Opie talks


Why haven't they figured this Jew thing out yet? FAAAAAWK


I assume instead of laughing you just nodded in agreement!?

Yes, but that agreement was SILENT. We're looking for LULZ on this page, OP.