I'm telling you right now: Bobo is spending the money he's getting from the GoFundMe campaign for Met's tickets.

41  2017-05-17 by Every1ShouldBKilled

His mom's situation is not that dire at all. He should be catching a beating for it on twitter...I'm sure it would drive him nuts...


You're loying

I'm not loying

Hello,I'm not lying, I'm bobo- real bobo #2


I don't recognize the proper way to write Mets. I'm no fan.

Good for him if he is.

Exactly. Anyone who sends him money is a moron who deserves to get duped

Jim Norton taught him the trick of the con.

more like a morton

If he's smart enough to do that... Then he's learning. He's actually learning.

Wasn't he always scamming kinda though? I remember that he often said shit like "My Xm radio broke" and they gave him a new one and "i dont have money for the subscription","Someone stole my wallet" and "a cab driver ripped me off". Now im not an expert at this but that seems to be me like its bit suspicious

Maybe he's just playing up the whole retard angle, Usual Suspects style?

Keyser Slow-ze

Maybe, but theres something with tards and scamming, i think it's that they have the excuse afterwards that "he's just retarded". I think they somewhere along the line pick up on the fact that they get special treatment.

I would fuck his mom and his sister in the throat.

they're fucking gypsies. at least patti is honest.

and a good gal

Is it actually illegal to use the money from gofundme campaign for some other purpose? Asking for a friend.

does your friends name start with a 'j'?

Fawkin'... Jerry Rice or sumphin', right?!

Yes! Lets attack the mongoloid with the 77 IQ who after 48 surgeries on his penis, has been left with 2.1 inches of mangled meat that barely resembles a human penis....

A penis that has never - and will never - get inside a pussy and explode in completion...

Lets get this fuck - who is going to live at home, with his mother, until she dies in next 20yrs...and at 51yrs old, he'll become someone else's burden, probably his sister's...she'll let him sta in their garage, with the garbage and dirty litter boxes....

This fuck has been getting 22 dollar mets tickets 1x week?!? What an outrage. Lets teach this high rolling, lucky bastard a lesson!!! (And i mean bastard in the literal sense.... his father died when he was fucking 12 or some shit).

Stop being a white knight faggot for this fucking waste on society. His poor mother would be better off if he was found dead in the subway.

Hahahahaha. "White knight". Good one, u fucking 14yr old. That's what i was doing. Cuz staying in the good graces of Daniel Kurlan will get u places. You stupid cunt. So how much exactly did u donate to the Chip Cartoon?

Hey dickhead - a FUCKING RETARD, known for being a selfish, rotten-dick having, obsessed Mets fan got ppl, who are arguably more retarded, to give him money. While u don't get the $$$ until it closes...i'm sure a portion of it will go to Bobo's Mets fetish...

The idea of lighting the fucking torches and going after one of the most pathetic retards in history....because thr dumb fucks who donated $$ to this dope think he's scamming (whi ch he probably will do)...

When u look at how pathetic Bobo is...The idea of exacting revenge via a coordinated Twitter attack is fucking hilariously absurd.

Now, how much did u kick Jim for the cartoon? You horse's ass. Now, go die in a house fire.

Based on this post, you're much worse off than Bobo. Do you have a GoFundMe page?

do you understand what we do here ?

you really are a faggot

Yeah let's not

didnt his mom already have the surgery also how does she not qualify for medicaid they give it out like candy out here


He's only putting half of his tard box stacking money into savings, ass. And he had to buy a tablet.

Lmao underrated post

isn't he a jew?

thats what u get for giving money to the retarded u might as well have gone outside and given it to ur dogs and cats

Now that unfunny cunt . whats his face - the really fat Beaker lookalike - a comedian - anyway - he has a GoFundMe that Kenny is pushing on Facebook