Comedian/Actor takes very brave stance

25  2017-05-17 by unclepaul84


I've been enjoying this season of Silicon Valley



Poo in lu faot to be exact.

Me too. Would be so much better without Cumail.

I tapped out of that show because of Kumail and the lead guy. I can't stand either of them. The show is funny but repetitive in structure. I agree with the observation that it's Entourage with nerds.

Good analysis. It kinda jumped the shark this season. Don't know what happened, but it's no longer really funny and the plots don't appear rooted in reality anymore, which kills the joke.

me too friend

SV is great, and it remains enjoyable because kumail's insane beta loser is the butt of the main cast's jokes as a series fixture


What's it with these towelheads and they're pudgey, indistinguishable neckchinjowls?

I actually don't think that's a very brave stance at all, OP.

I don't really mind people taking an anti Trump stance. Don't give a shit and agree with it. He is a fag regardless though

At least the DNC & media have personal reasons of self-preservation to get Trump impeached. Kumail put this much effort into just being along for the ride.

Fucking idiot. Who da fuq does he think would replace Trump? So camel fucker wants Pence as president and Ryan at VP? Dumb motherfucker.

He truly is the cuck of cucks