R/standups on white privilege

1  2017-05-17 by Lilcumia


Wordy and unfunny, great combo

Passcode to a bathroom? I've never heard of this.

fast food restaurants in big cities usually have the codes on receipts

I prefer the gas station approach of having a comically oversized key chain.

The standard 'droppin knowledge' la comic foat pose. Stay woke fam

Is that what they're afraid of? Carving gang signs in a bathroom? Because I could of sworn it was because dope fiends shooting up and leaving needles, which happens to be a pretty white issue. How the fuck is this a joke?

Could have


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Passcodes? I thought they just buzz you in. Regardless, I hope this faggot gets throat cancer.

What Starbucks he going to? The gooks are the only ones with the you shit, you buy policy.

does starbucks really have bathroom passcodes?

I hope he dies

please let the russians invade. god i dont want to be frail when the war happens.

The bathrooms at Starbucks don't have passcode locks on them.

Starbucks has shit coffee for shitheads.