Honest question re: Trump and impeachment

0  2017-05-17 by aprosbro

What would it take for you to say 'yeah they should impeach him?' Absolutely anything included, like murder a child on tv would you be in favor for impeachment? And remember impeachment is just the trial process, so I'm not even saying a conviction but just OK we need to formally open a judicial investigation that could result in removing Trump from office.

I'm not looking to get all liberal cuck boy libtard on you, I honestly just would like to know. For my money if a meaningful relation can be drawn between the Flynn investigation and Comey being fired he's got to go.


You couldn't take this horse shit to 50 other subs discussing this ad nauseam?

I specifically want this subs opinion. I know we're busy making 100 threads a day about guys who would have trouble getting hired as adjunct professors at community college but I just thought people might have some opinions here.

It's gonna be a long 8 years folks. BTW how did Bill Clinton fair after he was impeached? We never heard the name Clinton uttered in politics ever again.

He wasnt convicted. Impeaching Trump wouldn't mean a drastic change in policy in America because then Pence would be president and he's an actual conservative by record and likely to be a lot more successful in his policy. Thats not what this question is, I'm not asking for a do-over- we have a republican president at least until 2020. Just interested in other's POVs.

of Trump goes down this country will be at war

With who?

Deep state and brain washed cronies, it'll be a vicious civil war again.

Eh, keyboards dont fire bullets I'm not too worried.

keyboards brought down Clinton thank you Seth rich, think what you want but things will get bad. It's so oblivious the two party system is broken and people are ready for war

Yea, but keyboards of hackers, anonymous, and wikileaks did that. Keyboards for SJWs and tumblrinas would do nothing.

I'm sure if he made buggery with men illegal again this sub would be up in arms.

traps not gay - get over it

When he continued the drone war on brown families overseas. So like week 1

Its too obvious that Trump would fire comey for the russis probe. Everything thats happening is for news hesdlines. CNN is making a ton of money off of this. Bottom line, who gives a fuck with what happens with the president? has it ever effected you? no

So you're a 'literally nothing' guy. Strangles a woman on the whitehouse lawn in front of cameras and he can keep being president?

When did he strangle a woman on the lawn?

In the world of imagination in this hypothetical question.

youre such a faggot dude

Why is that?

because you suck dick and like it

Doesnt seem relevant.

All they have on him is a memo comey wrote which means jack shit, anyone can write anything they want in a "memo". Unless actual recorded audio comes out, nothing will come of this

To this fucking day, no one has put forth one shred of real evidence that Trump has colluded with the Russians, all of this is a smear campaign put together by the DNC in order to hide all of the factually fucked up things they did last year.

And it's working too, because most Americans are such uneducated ignorant trash, that the words "RUSSIA, TRUMP, EVIL" being said by super funny talk show host makes them feel informed.

If there was a hard paper trail that linked Trump and Russia, would you say 'ok time to impeach this guy?' Again, not looking for an answer to 'do we impeach this guy today' looking for the opinion on what qualifies as impeachable to this sub.

I don't really understand tour question. If Trump did something impeachable, should he get impeached?


Impeachment is the trial, not the conviction. I'm asking you to play make believe and explore the scenario in which you'd feel like impeachment was warranted.

Maybe if he got his dick sucked by a fat intern

Fair enough if thats your limit.


When did he strangle a woman on the lawn?

On the record proof that a high crime has been committed by the President. The rampant use of unnamed sources is getting pretty tiresome because, in reality, it's nothing more than propaganda. You cannot impeach a President via unnamed, unverified sources. It's funny that the same "journalists" who are so quick to smear and attempt to discredit Snowden and Manning, who exposed war crimes and rampant violations of civil liberties, are so quick to believe anything and everything a "source" feeds them.

It's hard to dismiss this excerpt from the new book Shattered considering how everything else in the book has been verified to be accurate.

I'm not a fan of Trump, I'm to the far, far a left.

It seems likely the Dems will take the house in the midterms. They might proceed with impeachment, but I think it would just rally the right.

Remember how the Clinton impeachment didn't work and only made him more popular.

There are grounds for impeachment, remember they did it to Clinton about lying over having sex with an intern. Trump contradicts himself on a daily basis.

Clinton committed perjury. Trump bullshits on Twitter.

The Resistanceā„¢ can't handle how fucking boring he is after they spent all their credibility telling us he's a living apocalypse, so they've moved off into a Weekly World News fantasy world where he's a lizard-Nazi-Russian spy (or whatever). It's slightly entertaining how he makes idiots scream and piss themselves in public, but meanwhile over here in real life he doesn't do anything.

He'll be impeached when being a giant pussy is a crime.

I dont think impeachment will happen, simply because nobody benefits from it.

Obstruction of justice is vague and broad, and if Comey did have memos of Trump asking for the Flynn investigation to end they could use that. I'm merely trying to say if that want an impeachment preceding to happen, that can make it happen.

I wouldnt say it benefits nobody. Imagine it's 2018, Dems have the house, establishment republicans are in a precarious position because of Trump who they never supported in the first place, and all of Trumps banner policies have either failed to materialize or materialized negatively. If thats the case a smart GOP could really leverage the impeachment for its own benefit going forward.

The problem for R's is Trump is still incredibly popular with R voters. They have to somehow find a balance because they need independent voters to win national elections.

Yeah right now they're married to him, cant do shit about it because the base still believes Trump can create jobs and economic mobility. Eventually the same base is going to be convinced one way or the other about the reality of that ability and if they decide that Trump couldn't do what he promised, or even worse has aggravated the situation, thats going to be really big for the GOP. Trump could really fuck them for eternity if he sours that base and kills the idea that a pro business laisse faire candidate will enrich poor white americans. I think the GOP will cut his head off if they think it's headed there. Now, if Trump's policies positively benefit the same base we're going to have GOP presidents for the next 20 years.

Nah, Dems will run a black female and take it. Identity politics is the way of the blue now. It is sad, because I hate the religious right and cannot morally vote Republican. 3rd party it will be.

You have more faith in progressives maintaining their ideals behind a curtain than I do.

It's almost like autistic libs think that if Trump gets impeached Obama comes back into office.

Pence will get more done than Trump

People dislike him as well.

I dont see Pence getting impeached, but even if he does then it'll just be another establishment republican who will likewise get more done than Trump.

flynn is indisputably working with pro Russian organizations (this only matters in a world where people think Hillary's top aides and campaign execs aren't deep in Russian and Saudi pockets). the question is did trump team know(why would they want too, they have plausible deniability) . Obama didn't rescind his(Flynn) DOD clearance so they thought he was fine even after firing him. PS trump has gotten innocent children killed like every president.

If there is anything to comey and this Russian investigation and turns out he leaked classified information then I think that would be cause enough for impeachment. At least put some pressure on him to resign early like Nixon.

Lol you watch wrestling nobody gives a fuck about your feelings on President Trump. He's here to stay. Fuckin sore losers.

I havent expressed any feelings on Trump. This is more of a procedural question.

Oh nevermind then.

Trump could be found naked in bed with Putin, impeached, convicted, thrown into a gulag, say "I did it. I did it all" and his grown up, bisexual adult fans would still think it's a giant conspiracy against him.

I dunno

What ya need is some peach snapps to open up the vault.

I specifically want this subs opinion. I know we're busy making 100 threads a day about guys who would have trouble getting hired as adjunct professors at community college but I just thought people might have some opinions here.

When did he strangle a woman on the lawn?

You have more faith in progressives maintaining their ideals behind a curtain than I do.