Roast me again...

2  2017-05-17 by OpieHasTits


I had a lovely time the last two roasts. I'm 37, retired, live in a container unit and my two favorite foods are chicken chipees and curly-wurlys.

How are you retired at 37? I think you meant retarded. Hey you get that ring back from Frodo yet?

You look like Sam will look in a few years when he has to get chemo for his colorectal cancer.

if bobo, sam and troy quan had a kid who was more retarded than all 3

You have the haircut and the victim count of a serial killer.

The gene pool you are spawned from is faulty

"dem niggas all look like birds"

You're not worth my time.

You're a fag.

If Paulie from the Rocky movies fucked his sister, you would be the result.

You look like Richard Spencer with all the good Aryan genes removed.