Im going to school for Broadcasting, I make Youtube rants.

18  2017-05-17 by Joyomi

Hello, Opie And Anthony are my Idols, along with Stern. I am going to school for broadcasting, hoping to become a successful DJ. I make Youtube rants. Let me know If I have the skills to make it! In this video I rant about Cultural Appropriation. Chanel made a Boomerang and some faggots are angry.


I'd delete this as soon as possible if I was you.


I think it will be poorly received

/u/spinuch is a celebrity here now though and he even has his own subreddit.

you look like your parents are forcing you to film this and you have the speaking tone of Ben Stein mixed with Droopy

Oh boy you better delete before you release a hornets nest of weaponized autistic kratom addicts

This can't be real... anyone who frequents this hell hole must know better than to post this shit here.

He has a post in Amiugly where he is sporting a hitler mustache.

And a pic of his "lesioned" cock

let me guess - he is a jew and as soon as someone mentioned that his post is offensive he replied with "but I am a Jew"

Must be some jokester trying to manipulate the hate

This is good content, OP. Please share some more and tell you friends to bring their projects here for a little peer review.

honestly that's a prob a good idea if they want exposure/to reach a big audience,but.... I dono if they want that sort of coverage bc this isn't very PC, ya know? It might upset the university admins, professors, etc.

It's like writing your name and address on your flaccid dick and then posting it to 4chan.

He's an edgy guy who doesn't care about the rules. Don't let "The Man" hold you back, /u/joyomi

Thank you.

What are you doing?

Making rants.

You have the sensibilities of Lady Di, Colin Quinn's main squeeze.

.... Autism

OP this is not going to end well for you I promise

I'm just wondering what you you were constantly looking at above the camera?

In a public park.

Ahh, Ok. That makes sense..

It's quite good, but your oratory style is just too dramatic. I would aim for a slightly more monotone approach.

Jesus Christ, this latest Joe Derosa set is awful.

These aren't rants. These are a collection of monotoned, half baked dreck. Still can't tell if you are fucking around or not.

How are they not rants?

I just articulated what they were.

You look like every kid I used to bully on the school bus.

Just spotted a Jew

Why are your eyes darting around like you're a wanted man?

He's looking out for parents before he snatches a kid.

Lol, what a fool. No type of charisma.

I have charisma, but nonetheless I respect you're opinion!

LOL, if you do have charisma, it was nowhere near that video you made. Take an acting class, you may not have charisma but you can "act" like you do. 😂


You are not welcome. I hope you fail and never make it the business. If only in the business of janitors.

Intern David had a wider range of emotions.

You a fuck boy and your 2 Dads both suck aboriginal dick.

This isn't as bad as people are making and you're going to school so you're still learning. Plus you're right, these SJWs are overreacting about this boomerang thing, who gives a care if Chanel want to make a boomerang.

Thanks a lot! I expect backlash and bad opinions, but I appreciate the positive .

Not you.

You're going to end up buffing the floors at Home Depots overnight to pay off your student loans while you live in your parents basement. They will never willingly bring you up in conversation with their family or friends and there will be no eye contact at family dinners.

It's good to know what the people who say "faggots" on this sub look like.

I'm enjoying the thought that you are subjecting some nobody to this sub's criticism for no reason.

I'm the one on the video.

His breastfeeding rant is actually pretty funny...

Lol thanks!

I'd love to beat your faggot head in.

Dis guy fucks. Not. Yo, nigga, what was the point of your post? Go lift some dumbbells or go find/get and fuck a girlfriend... Lighten up is what I'm trying to say.

fucking kill yourself. What the fuck is this? Sonofa bitch. Hoooly shit

I'm disappointed that at no point in this video were you robbed andml murdered by urban youths

I was waiting for The Machine and Dino Velvet to make an appearance.

this is a bad idea and it will ruin your life. these talks are best had with friends in private. or on depraved subreddits if you don't have friends.

After reading your post history, I pray this doesn't end with you climbing a clock tower

Yeah this isnt gonna end well. Although we might get our first live stream suicide.

That sounds like a fine ending to me.

You gotta put some emotion or inflection in your voice, because its pretty dull. Also, I would consider the fact that this might be a poor choice of medium, and a terrible place to come for support

You better have a thick skin and an unwavering belief in yourself if your gonna post those rants here

we need more people like you here.

we are running out of people to hate lately.

You have a really bad broadcasting voice. It's monotonous, dull and has a whiny tone that's hard to hear. Maybe stick to working boards/production etc. You're not really good at ranting off the cuff too - you're repeating yourself a lot and aren't really approaching the subject with any comedic or unique angle.

Not gonna bash you too much as it takes balls to share your own personal shit on this sub. People are fucking monsters here. Was hoping to be more constructive than outright bash you.

Thanks, appreciate the feedback!

I instinctively can't care what you have to say upon sight of you.

What's wrong with my appearance ?

You're alive

Whatever you do, don't buy a Ghostbusters trap.

I think this shines a light on some important issues. If I'm gonna kill some time clicking YouTube links, I might as well learn something. Keep posting to this sub.

You know you're going to be treated to a fascinating, high energy rant when it's prefaced by acknowledging that we are in fact watching a rant and we are told what it's going to be about.

You need to open up your sinuses. Try screaming alot and suckin' a bunch of peckas