If we're going to go after Graham Techler, let's at least go after the stuff on the internet that he uses for his professional life.

8  2017-05-16 by TangerineReam



He's a public figure as a writer. I see no difference between his social media and the social media of Patton, Opie, Jim, Anthony, etc. that get posted every day.

I personally don't care about it because the guy is boring. But people claiming that is doxxing don't know what doxxing is.

NO I AGREE. Im just saying we should be extra pre-cautious on account that anyone can say anything is doxxing these days, particularly a website that begrudgingly hosts a sub that they don't like

It doesn't matter if they say it. Social media, unless maybe it's a private account (and somebody who followed Dani posted tons of her tweets and nobody cared.)

If somebody did a post that said "This guy lives on 123 Sesame Street and works at Kinkos on Faot BLVD. And his phone number is 555-3268" then that's doxxing and a subreddit or social media account would be shut down.

Remember somebody tried this shit with Joe and Anthony after they posted news articles about that guy who got the 2U show cancelled being arrested for domestic violence. Nobody shut their Twitter and Facebook down. It was public information as much as Anthony having his court schedule posted here was.


They include Facebook as against the rules and they do allow public figures but if it's inviting of harassment it's against the rules

I have it on good authority that Graham Techler raped and murdered an Australian tourist in the year 2007.

NO. we follow the actual rules. they will change the goal post no matter what. he started this. we're finishing it.


I hope he writes a shitty off Broadway play about this. Anthony can play himself and show off those legendary pipes.

He has a cousin named Ted Techler.