Best of Radio Shark

0  2017-05-16 by FlashVirus

Funniest Radio Shark moment:

Shark calls up as harmonica man:

Starts calling O'Reilly's show:

Messing with Fez:


Finally, the compilation that no one asked for.

I did notice that he got through during Nick DiPaolo's debut, however.

That wasn't the real Radio Shark

how do we know?

that was the Real Radio Shark. today on Di Paolo 5/18/17 in the last segment. he called in as the guest they were supposed to have on the show.

And, i assume whoever put this post up is the one pretending to be the shark

I see you conveniently left out when he was just another annoying cancer caller to R&F who thinks he is a part of the show.

I guess to each their own but I loved the storyline when it was developing, it was classic how he managed to get past "Mr. Security" and creep his way into the studio, the whole thing was hilarious. May be he thinks he's part of the show but at least he just calls up and says something stupid and hangs up for the most part, the other people in the R&F universe (happytypinggirl and Dave's ex-wife there) were constantly on the show and on the forums offering nothing.

Nice try with the hate tho

I used to fucking love Sour Shoes on Stern too

did Sour call the first nick dipaolo show? one caller did an impersonation and the whoop laugh at the end sounded like him.

did Sour call the first nick dipaolo show? one caller did an impersonation and the whoop laugh at the end sounded like him.