Opie is begging for a job with Ron White, spinning records as an opener.

29  2017-05-16 by 68rouge

The sad part is he is serious about it


I'll just have to take your word for it. I refuse to listen to that hack utter a single syllable.

is he going to have to sell one of his five houses?

The fucking balls on this guy. He gives Ron White's shitty opener a non-paying "gig" and expects to have a favor returned? I hope he tells him to eat shit.

That's an extremely astute point. Vic is literally his "guy" right now and he failed to come to bat for him as well. I'm starting to get the impression the opster is more of a sacrifice bunt guy in the 9th inning rather than jacking one over the fences.

Dude just cancel your Sirius subscription. I ended it a month ago, and my commute has never been better. I haven't heard Opie, Jim, Sam or any other jack off on that channel speak for a month. I still actively hate them on this sub, but now I just don't subject myself through their half hearted attempts at radio.

Every episode of O&A and R&F are available on line, as are all the best parts of Stern's show. There's a lifetime's worth of material to listen to without having to suffer through the dogshit that is the derelict remnants of SiriXM's once great shows.

Ron was a friend of the show until he got big and forgot about us.

DJ Greggshells

Opie will go the way of the Fez...

Fez ,the original stand alone fruit.

Fez ,the original stand alone fruit.