Bill Nye's new show is getting shit on

79  2017-05-16 by Cream_P


It seems like people are finally realizing that they're constant being talked down to and brainwashed by the media.

Or tired of getting lectured by a TV host with no advanced degrees. He's "science guy" not "scientist".

Or tired of getting lectured by everybody. But yes, you are correct.

how about you think for yourself then

The only thing I'm saying is that people in general are getting sick of being talked down to by the media and "comedy" shows.

Except when it's your own opinions, then it's totally acceptable to listen to reason from a man who believes lizards people has taken over the world. The alt right is just as bad in their idol worship of whoever supports their views. I see no difference

ME: that's what I was trying to say! sniff it was on the tip of my tongue

Thanks, Amy.

He's an actor with a bacherlor's degree

Just anothee cue card reading cunt, playing pretend on TV.

Cue card reading cunt craves credibility from common consumers

Your alliteration skills are God-tier. Congrats. Faot.

I know. As I was typing that I felt like a normal reddit faggotito

At least we listen to someone from NASA

Anthony Cumia

Does everything have to be left/right political crap? Maybe people just don't like condescending assholes, and it has nothing to do with the media or what political side it's leaning toward?

It's actually refreshing that even people who 100% agree with him think he's a condescending dick and his show sucks. Can't even blame the "alt right trolls" this time.

And refreshing the Sex Junk thing is being completely shit on by not people saying "Ew trannies", but just that it's fucking embarrassing and will have the opposite reaction than what was intended.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for Rachel Bloom!"

Yeah, that's true. It's just liberals seem to be more prevalent with it. I don't really care for either side it's like coke and pepsi because either way all that bull sugar is bad for the people mmaaaahhhhhnnnnn.

Coke is better by the way.

I disagree, but I respect your right to fuck right off

Maybe people just don't like condescending assholes

Colbert And the daily show has been like the most watched tv shows the past decade. People apparently love being condescended to, especially on reddit.

Funny is funny though and those shows were just that. Can't say I watched those shows very much but everything I saw was a million times more clever and funny than the abortion that was the Nightly Show.

His Colbert Report was funny. He played a Bill O'Reilly-esque character and lampooned it perfectly. Whether he was really liberal minded or not - and I say this as someone who likes neither side - I didn't care, he was funny.

This Late Show off his is not, though. It's ball-less Johnny Carson shit, he can't hold a candle to the guys before him.

I used to catch the Colbert Report here and there, it was relatively good. Caught his Late Show monologue once... Wtf. Not an ounce of the same humor present. Far more of a statement/message type sound to the shit instead of making humor and entertainment the main priority. I think I started two or three of Colbert's monologues to his late show and bailed on it each time.

If comedians realized that we just want to laugh right now, and not have a message - ANY FUCKING MESSAGE, DOESN'T MATTER THE SIDE - things would go a lot easier for them.

No, don't ignore the real world, but don't condescend. You don't have the answers and neither do we. So how about you just help us forget the scary shit in the world for fifteen fucking minutes and, you know, be a comedian?

If you think Colbert and Nye are equally condescending, you may be allowing politics to cloud your vision.

Only time I really here him talk is when it's against climate change deniers, who deserve it, but I don't look the guy up.

Here him? That isn't a typo is it?

Likely me typing with to much passion on my point and not paying much attention, still I'll take the L on that. No big deal.

Look at the rest of that sub, they have a huge hard-on for Colbert and fucking love shitting on anyone critizing SJWs. They just don't like Bill Nye because they hate trannies more than white people. And Bill Nye has a whole episode about the gender spectrum

Don't fucking tell me what to do. You got some nerve there bub.

Yeah but who run the media?

Sand monkeys.

I think all righthtinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.

Get the fuck over yourself faggot.

Replying to my poignant comment with such hatred and vitriol is uncalled for. You have literally raped me.

Get over yourself? That's what my girlfriend would say when we were 14 and she was too dumb to win the argument.

So you disagree with what he said, but you cbf explaining why?

Every time a celebrity liked by Reddit gets the back given to them, I am overcome with joy. How long until the Science Negro gets it?

The best scientists are the autistic reculisve losers who hate explaining things to people of lesser intelligence. It's not surprising that Science Black Guy and Bill Nye who are basically actors, and gasp extroverts, aren't that bright once you get past explaining basic science shit to little kids.

As a contrarian, I now love Bill Nye.

Liking Bill Nye is the new punk rock

But I still agree with them with Netflix taking away the rating system. How else can we 1 star shitty vagina joke comedians?

Naw, you're getting it confused with conservatism. After all, conservatism is the new counterculture. One of the most embarrassing shirts ever created.

i fully approve of anarchist teenagers knocking a person out if they're found wearing that shirt in public

You think this was all his idea? He's old, he can't really believe this. He's just getting paid.

I don't care, but no of course he didn't plan this. Who plans to make a politically motivated show and get hated by both big political parties? What is even your thought process in that question?

whaa? reddit realizes that 70 year old guy who does childrens show is an opportunist hack?

I wish he would teach kids how to cook meth like he did in the old days.

Good. He destroyed my childhood enjoyment of his beloved 90s show.

Right? This is the guy I watched in elementary/middle school. I loved when we'd see these instead of like, learning.

This new show is an abomination.

I was really, really excited to watch it when I first saw it on there and ended up bailing probably 15 minutes in to watch Parks and Rec again. Fuck that.

Is Parks and Rec good? I avoid TV shows I hear other people at work talking about. I figured it was lame as hell.

It's fucking amazing. Skip Season 1 though, it starts off like a blatant copy of The Office, but once it hits Season 2, it's off and running. There's a character Mark who sucks, but he leaves towards the end of the season but he gets put on the 'pay no mind list' super hard and at the same time Rob Lowe and Adam Scott come on, so it's like the best trade ever.

But yeah, seasons 1.5 - 6.5 are phenomenal. The second half of season 7 comes close to jump the shark territory, but thankfully they seem to recognize and bail out. So it ends up being one of the best comedies of the millennium so far, in my opinion.

Rob Lowe filmed himself raping a girl.

Deleted scene I heard

Was she hot?

Ugly girls don't get raped and they're very upset about it

Yeah fuck her, Rob

tv shows are gay

It fucking blows. (Treat yo'self)

That's usually a smart way to navigate life, but not in this case. It's really funny

I can't believe some people here considered Nye their hero when they were kids. Even back then, his "Bill Nye the Science Guy" show was something you wouldn't sit through unless you were subjected to it by your Science teacher. It was an extremely tedious show with annoying (wacky!) editing and sound effects.

Okay too cool for school guy.

Science is cool. Go smoke your cigarettes and make noises at the back of the class like the other cool kids.

Science is cool. The current popular American science communicators are all pretty terrible. Bill Nye has always been the worst of the bunch.

Cigarettes are way cooler than science.

I hated sitting through that horseshit. It was boring as fuck and I just wanted to go outside and throw rocks at the Chinese kid with my friends.

Liking science education and tormenting the most vulnerable are not mutually exclusive.

Agreed. I was more into Beakman.

Carmen Sandiego and Ghost Writer for me back in the days when I'd skip school every other day. Fucking daytime TV taught me more than the teachers

We need more street smart guy out there, fucking nerds going to school and shit

I thought Carmen San Diego was hosted by that black lady.

It was good for distracting the girl sitting in front of me in science class as I stroked my cock through my ripped pants pocket.

Mr Wizard was always better than Bill Nye

In fairness, some of Bill Nye's stuff was good, like the episode where he says there are only two genders and that's determined by your chromosomes. They edited that episode on Netflix to coddle SJWs.

More like "Bill, Bye!" amirite??

Bill Nye the pseudoscience guy... when it comes to gender. The whole format of the show is absolute dogshit. Beyond awful.

It's fairly hard to tell if a show is go or bad cause if the certain group finds a target they will take the time to criticize, which sucks cause you legit have to do some dinging to find real criticism, but from the ones I seen that were legit, does not look good.

Hate being THAT guy but what a brutal fucking paragraph to read.

Trying to form a complex thought in a few words can be difficult for some so i'm sorry. But it's ok to be that guy sometimes, makes the person try harder.

Billy Nye looks like an old queen in transition.

Also, seeing the top post of a thread having 6.7k upvotes makes me realize how sad and pathetic we really are.

I think being 89-99 IQ range is the prerequisite for caring about this stuff

Tss... The end is nigh or sumthin!

Nick Dipaolo was right about him. Someone less lazy than me can post the clip and collect the free internet points.

Someone need to Kimbo Slice that nigga up.

More like Shill Nye. Am I right fellas?

how about you think for yourself then

The only thing I'm saying is that people in general are getting sick of being talked down to by the media and "comedy" shows.

Except when it's your own opinions, then it's totally acceptable to listen to reason from a man who believes lizards people has taken over the world. The alt right is just as bad in their idol worship of whoever supports their views. I see no difference