Reminder: Anthony Cumia is a millionaire and this is the best he could do

31  2017-05-16 by Crownenberg


Your point is well taken. Anthony is a fag. The girl in that picture isn't a Medeival painting subject but she's still attractive enough. Would, for sure.

not by that picture


she looks like a boy in makeup in that picture. Sorry dude, ur gay

Haven't been around long have we. Guess didn't see the girl he had before...

Sir I'm just trying to have some fun. Please don't ruin it with facts.

And it's not like mellissa looked like that without the correct lighting and touch ups.

With the right lighting & makeup, any woman can look good...

Here's her without make-up and hair done:

I would take Dani over that.

I would take Sue Lightning over that. But I'm a total fag.


bitch looks retarded, god be with her.


One day buddy, when we earn 300 dollars (combined) we will have her.

That's a male

Tell that to Anthony.

Poor Ant. You can make a thousand Hillary jokes, stick it to the libs every-single-day on your podcast, and make some sick 50's television references on Redeye, and still no one respects you as a political pundit. But you suck one cock...

That's one chokeable neck

That thing is just begging to be wrung

Cmon mug

She has dumbo ears

Dolphin teeth

Dolphin voice. Just having to hear her talk on a daily basis would be reason enough to choke-her-the-fuck-out.

He was a millionaire until he lost a lot of his fortune in a failed part ownership of a something mania dot com.

They bought him out when they realized he was blacker than most of the people they were ridiculing

Dani's a retarded junkie with a goofy boy face, but she's otherwise pretty much girl-shaped and...

Yeah, that's about it.

But that's rare. The average woman is beyond unfuckable. If a girl can walk around your house and it doesn't sound like burly ex-cons are moving your furniture, she's at least an 8.

Fucking teenage boys with rubber tits is probably a good idea.

If a girl can walk around your house and it doesn't sound like burly ex-cons are moving your furniture, she's at least an 8.

You must be using Patrice's 1-30 scale with that kind of logic

Re-evaluate your standards sir

Plus those numbers are fucked. Jim norton blinks 6 million times in a single tv interview let alone a full year.

That site's great. 206 bones in the human body. 100 trillion cells! I'm definitely gonna memorise these to impress the ladies.

Don't become a bunch of fags just becuase we hate Anthony. This crackhead is still above average. Not stunning but not bad either.

In Anths defense he probably stinks like a nursing home so this frump is solid gold

If he likes young girls so much, why was he putting up with this 40 year old?

She looks like concentration camp Lena Dunham

That's certainly where she belongs.

She looks EXACTLY like her dad, who is not an attractive man by any stretch. Of all things, that's what I don't get... YDFC, BPD, rail thin alien body.. whatever we've all fucked young and crazy...

but I would NEVER want to see dollar store Willamette DaFoe staring back at me especially if Vinnie was one of my friends. You go in for a kiss and all you see is Stress Factory's hack "MILLIMETER PETER CLUB!!" camera text flash in your head.


Dani Brand is NJ comic/Stress Factory owner Vinnie Brand's daughter. He is not attractive and before the shows there, they have some corny bit with a CCTV scanning the crowd to find a skinny person "Where's the Beef?" shows up, macho guy "Millimeter Peter Club", etc.

Anthony has a thing for women with manly faces.

Yeah but why use nine words when you could use 150? We have four hours to fill, brothaman.

she looks delicious.

She looks like a dried Banana pepper

she looks mad bitable

Bitch looks like a muskrat

Alamy sounds almost like alimony, which she deserved for getting bitten by a man ravaged by leprosy.

ET phone home.

My precious.

She looks like the after photos of a heroine psa

I don't understand the confusion about Dani and Ant's relationship. She's an anorexic Jew, and he's a Hitler-era "enthusiast", with a ton of Nazi "memorabilia" and money.

She gets to piss off Daddy with a replacement provider in her life, saving her the discomfort of having to get a job or rent an apartment etc.; and Ant gets to dress her up in striped pyjamas and act out his fantasies of being white.

If he could just avoid the ladycock, and maybe not bite his gal/break her ribs, they might still be together.

The "A"s represent contact points for attacking.

transgender DJ Qualls.

I'm Anthony's age. Way better looking Own a big house in the nice part of town. Drive a faster car. Minus the psycho factor I'm totally impressed with ants chicks. If this chick isn't psycho or stupid ant is living in ten town.

Dis bitch look like dat cave nigga from Lord of the rings

She looks good enough to brutally rape and bury in a shallow grave....

Anybody got her nudes?

I remember someone posting pics of her in leather in a bathroom and another of her bent over. She had he flattest ass.

Anthony likes em young and thin. Everything else is secondary.