Roast Me

1  2017-05-16 by OpieHasTits



You look like Droopy the Dog.

This is what happens when wiggers approach their mid life crisis.

If you guys need a bit of info to go off for ideas, well; I'm 37, retired and on the pension, I love gangster rap, and if there's two things I love it's chicken chippies and curly-wurlys.

YOU'RE 37!? nice to see someone lent you a time machine, to go 30years future & take that picture

You hat is homosexual

I done it gang

Why should we? Has your life not been hard enough already?

Brian Gilgore needs to lay off the Kratom!

Nice neck. I think the only way to get all of that fat out of there would be to slice that puppy open.

Look like a broke ass pee wee herman

You look like the end result of morbid obesity and chemotherapy

Who are you? No. Seriously, who are you?

Stop posting pictures of Sam's dad.

Even your eyelids have a double chin.

Bobo gets more ass than you. Buuuurrrnnnnnn. Seriously though, he does.

Gotta get the bread and milk looking ass

You look like you have to go around gathering signatures aknowledging your presence when you move into a new neighbourhood.