Hard to believe but Covino and Rich is worse than Opie Radio

19  2017-05-16 by Nezlo_Nuke_Em

This is my first time listening to Covino and Rich and holy shit this is the worst show I've ever heard. I can't believe I've found a show worse than Tits and Sherrods afternoon zoo but this is unlistenable garbage. Everyone on it is douchey and hateable and there isn't the slightest bit of comedy. Atleast on tits radio there is attempts at comedy. I'd honestly rather have dumb opies replay over this drek. And that's saying a lot...


I was about to post the same thing. I forgot how nauseating those two loads are.

I listened driving for about 45 minutes and in all that time the girl said exactly two things.

"You guys are terrible" in response to an imitation of animal-like noises some girls make when you fuck them.

"You are so rude" when someone talked about wanting to punch a toy dog in the face.

Remember when Covino's daughter, interning at sirius, was on Opie & Anthony and she kept subtly rejecting grandma cumia... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubC9O3_pN_I&feature=youtube_gdata_player

So you're not a fan of the dude bros?lol

Without Anthony and Jim (and CQ and Patrice) around to be funny, Opie has gone full speed ahead on morning zoo bullshit radio.

It's a hang, bruthaman!

Kill yourself

I drive for a living so I listen to a lot of shit to pass time and Iv tried numerous times over the years to listen to them and I never understood their frat douche bag type radio...hoping nicks show is decent

10-4 good buddy

Dude! Bro?

Yeah. Absolutely horrible. Gonna have to cancel my subscription now that the programming changes leave me with the options of listening to that insufferable and unlistenable faggot jason ellis on my way to work, and these two clowns on my way home.

It's like listening to high school freshman,fucking show is the worst.I would rather listen to the Australian guy that likes having men suck his dick.