Apparently everything Neil Tyson said about aliens went way above Jim and Sam's heads.

4  2017-05-15 by greeneyedunicorn2

What retards they are.


but jimmy trust what duh pilot man see in the sky when he fly fly

Was he talking about those two Japanese(i think) pilots who claimed they were being 'ghosted' by 3 ufos and followed for nearly and hour and it was all seen on radar, and you can read their accounts? Cuz that story is really really creepy

Look below...

That's the one

"“Roger sir.” Anchorage Center then asked JAL 1628, “Would you like our military to scramble on the traffic?”

“Negative, negative,” Captain Terauchi said, turning down the offer quickly, thinking that even modern U.S. F-15 fighter jets had no guarantee against creatures with an unknown degree of scientific technology"

Or maybe thinking it might get his used-schoolgirl-panties buying Nippon arse booted out of JAL for being a big fat liar. I do like the neutral tone the author meticulously sticks to, though.

I can understand and forgive that. But when you look into airline ufo cases deeper the pilots are either known to be UFO fans, are seeing rare but still known atmospheric lights like Sprites, or are 3rd hand accounts in UFO books that misquote or misunderstand the witness.

The pilot in this one was not a "neutral observer". When you read into it he was a UFO fanboy

I haven't read this in a few years but did radar pick up the objects and were confirmed by the tower? I remember listenin to the conversation between the pilots and tower and it was really eerie

Everything's eerie when you're coming down off the coke in a Canton bedsit, son.

I don't live in a scummy bedsit..

The 2 stupidest men in radio, now that Opie and Anthony are retired and no longer on air.

Wait, Opie and Anthony are no longer on air, right?

Alien Head Sam is 1/3 breed himself! 1 part negroid, 1 part Klingon and 1 part...well, Giant Hunk Of Feces. That's some grotesque DNAids.