Confident and Sassy!

0  2017-05-15 by unclepaul84


Thanks for the fap material!

she's so fat she ate her inner beauty

What a hateable fucking sop

But enough about the OP. How 'bout this bitch?

Okay Fine... if you're a little overweight and you hold it well, whatever. But even in this sub, there comes a point where you're morbidly obese and in denial. Being happy about your heart pumping a material that is basically the consistency of candied apple coating at this point is like bragging you're on your 5th mortgage from compulsive gambling or saying how much the bed sheets in this detox are better than the last 4.

wish the show was still intact so I could hear Ant and Jimmy just shit on her.

When is this celebrated sack of shit going to collapse in a heap of oily clothes and flop sweat during one of her "dance routines"?

All I can think about watching this fucking behemoth is "you can't possibly wash everything".

Keep telling people "fat is beautiful".

Like "black lives matter"...maybe we'll believe it someday.

Are you saying you wouldn't?

Yes. I am emphatically saying I wouldn't. Hell. I'm married to a woman who is 1/4th of that sadness...and I just...can't

She has an undeserved sense of self worth due to the miles of fresh out of jail black dick that have been piped into her

I only recognize her from the stupid cross-channel commercials that get piped in on Discovery. She on TLC, the Trainwreck Life Channel with all the midgets, child pageants, and mail-order brides.

Apparently she breakdown and cries in nearly every episode . I don't know if that is a woman thing or a fat woman thing - either way she is not 'happy and confident'.

All she does is cry