Sows rut for truffles in pairs.

33  2017-05-15 by dahnk_u_muhnk


Sun is shinin' in the sky, there ain't a clooooooouuuud in sight

Did you catch the teat on the sow on right?

Was like a slice of dehydrated cappicola pulled over a kneecap.

You mean gabagool

You could almost make a sexy girl out of the two by swapping certain features between them. Mrs. Potato Head style.

Honestly, no you couldn't. No tits on either of these two fatsos.

They both have such thin, nearly non existent-lips lips that make their smiles look like death grimaces.

When you make Lena "body of a potato, face of an autistic 12 year old boy" Dunham look like the pretty one in a picture, you know you're in trouble.

Schumer's sunken, lifeless eyes, her bloated face, her awful little mouth with no lips and shitty teeth, her no facial bones except her bad guy in a silent movie chin, are just so awful. And that's before you get to her fat without any of the good parts (no tits, flat ass, no waist) body.

I don't find her physically appealing in the least, hopefully that came across.

It absolutely came across. Thank you for putting into words what I'm too stupid to.

Amy Schumer is actually offensively ugly. I have and would fuck almost anything but I can say with absolute sincerity that I would not want to fuck Amy Schumer. It would be a chore. Not just because her personality is horrendous but because she is fat, beyond ugly and she looks like she absolutely stinks

Die pigbeast. You're hated by the world.

You don't find her attractive?

Seriously that has to be the best picture of lena dunham ever taken.

Dunham is much prettier. She has a feminine face at least. Amy's face is androgynous and bizarre.

She was pretty funny as the hetro cop in Superbad.

Lena is fucking gorgeous compared to Amy

No they don't. You are making an incorrect zoological statement.

fuck, every time I see big Amy's entire face I can't help feeling that somebody made a ham dreidel to harass jews with

Lena doesn't even look bad here.

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it until someone pays me to stop, bitch looks like the underside of a stingray