Proud Boy initiation video

17  2017-05-15 by DefNotAtWork2


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tell him to go kill himself

The proud boy thing honestly perplexes me. I don't understand it.

I figure its the same sadness that makes men want to join a bowling league...but proud boys have the added benefit of satisfying all your homosexual desires.

Both groups have too many fags with fedoras.

At least bowling is fun.

And male on male lovemaking is not? What's wrong with you.

it's people with no accomplishments that want to take credit for things other people do

basically, a white version of "we wuz kingz"

Well, its gay you see.....

Proud boys are just neck bearded trolls emulating skinhead culture.

I can see how the uhuru video could happen, two queers who have nobody else but each other to hang out with hype each other up in their feedback-less bubble and produce a gay thing. Fair enough.

But now all these videos of "initiations" keep popping up with relatively large groups of people involved. What the fuck? Maybe my life is just a Truman Show type thing after all.

Gavin is in the closet and he wants to socialize with young men.

C'mon bro, you gotta name your five cereals!

Where's Father Doris?

where the fuck is father doris....FUCK!

if he doesn't name the five cereals do they eventually give up

It's pretty obvious that this West Side Story-esque beatdown would kill a man in mere minutes. Here's hoping anyone hardcore enough to try this brushes up on their General Mills history.

I've seen mosh pits filled with 13 year-olds that were more violent.

I've seen a 13 year-old murder another kid because he didn't know Trix were for kids.

Proud boys kind of reminds me of fight club but with less fighting and more ass sex.

What a fabulous group of Best Buy workers and line cooks, refusing to apologize for creating the modern world.

The only thing these people created was a clogged toilet this morning.

The irony of these dorks, is that they celebrate hypermasculinty, and chauvinism, but they're a pathetic collection of pimply virgins who still live with their moms. It's textbook overcompensation.

If you have an "initiation" for anything, you're a child. That's the kind of shit you do when you start a "gang" in elementary school. I did that shit in like kindergarten. It's time to grow up.


Bunch of Based-Stickman wannabes.

I have seen all men bukake vids that were less gay then this.


This reminds me a Doug Stanhope bit where he is talking about people being proud of and taking credit for accomplishments they had nothing to do with. What did these idiots personally do to "create the modern world"?

Stanhope bit:

"Yeah! Give it to him!".....these people have to be kidding me. Just makes you feel bad for them.

a lot of young dudes today grew up in a feminized world and didn't get the chance to do the male bonding thing at an appropriate age. why not give them a chance to engage in some dudebro horseplay and learn how to properly take a fist: with lots of lube, poppers, and patience.

I sincerely hope Gavin is doing a bit & it's a long-con. He's already got queer tattoos & a wife, so he's past caring.

I want to see Bobo initiated

what a bunch of losers

This could do well on r/cringe, he obviously didn't get the whole cereal thing and he looks so fucking awkward with that pain face.