Ant might be a gun toting, tranny loving idiot but boy is he a quick mother fucker.

11  2017-05-15 by RBuddCumia



That just shows exactly why Anthony and Jimmy should be working together on the air. Playing off of each others comments, back and forth laughs. They were perfect together.

And in the background you can hear a fake laugh or two from man boobs Hughes. I don't think he understood why any of those jokes were funny, he just chuckled to fit in with the vibe of the room because everyone else was laughing. When Anthony said "Yes I was" to David saying Justin George, you hear Opie's fake laugh and then him trying to put the brakes on it by telling David to just call him Justin. People say he was the guiding force to keep the show on track but I think he was the anchor that stopped the funny and turned a lot of people off of the show.

Ant and Jim on their own can't pick funny topics to talk about. It's just black crime and UFC non stop

Hi, Opester. Good to see you hear.

The show has passed you by

Jimmy would have to do some show prep with Anthony like Opie used to, come in early, read the paper, search the web. They'd still need a third host but maybe someone who gets the joke. Like Sam but with a lot less WWE bullshit.

Ant is done. He's a faggot ass old man, complete with watching Fox News 24/7.