You're being too hard on The Chip Chipperson Podacast, gang: It's honestly the best and only good thing to have come out of the end of O&A...

78  2017-05-15 by TangerineReam

  1. There have already been a handful of great moments, largely due to Chip breaking character when Jim cracks up.

  2. LAUREN IS HOT, and knows how to use that to play off Chip.

  3. When Anthony gets on, he's talked over and reduced to his great quippy self, which is what he should be doing. That cocksucking woman biter shouldn't be hosting; he should be second-banana-ing.

  4. When Sam gets on, he's reduced to the glorified audience-member role where he belongs.

  5. When Travis is on, his mother and upbringing are roundly mocked, as it should be.

  6. Colin seems to genuinely enjoy being there suffering a intentional fool, rather than suffering unintentional fools on O&J and J&S

  7. Jim doesn't talk about politics. Sam doesn't talk about wrestling. UFC assholes aren't brought on. The things that both Jim and Sam know too much about or nothing on but attempt to talk about anyway, aren't discussed. Jim and Sam are complete buffoons when it comes to topics outside of their universe, and we're all spared having to suffer through their bullshit.

  8. Jim hates wrestlers, so they'll never be on. Jim is probably too ashamed to have UFC people on the show because he's secretly in love/lust with all of them. Bringing them on a ridiculous podcast with Jim acting silly will probably embarrass Jim to no end. Even if they were on, they would HAVE TO be fucked with, since thats the nature of the show and character. So there's that.

  9. It seems like SHOW PREP IS ACTUALLY BEING DONE. So much so that when mistakes happen, it can be addressed and handled in entertaining ways. They start with prep THEN improv, not the other way around.

  10. Lenny is honestly NOT BAD on the show. He's the hole of the show to be sure, but WITHOUT being a total hole. Completely stand-able.

  11. Bobby seems to have handed Jim complete creative control, but only to do a CHIP show, not a JIM show. I'm sure Bobby doesn't need the competition on his own network from other comics, but doesn't mind putting up a fake character. And the show is doing well, which is only a good thing for the network.

All of the nonsense and misfires since the end of O&A have brought us here. This is what we get after all of the subpar output. Its not perfect by any means, and it doesn't really make up for all of the intentional/unintentional head games that each one of those assholes have done to us since the end of the show. But it IS good. If the collective output from all of these people post-O&A were better? Then the CC Podacast wouldn't look so good in comparison, but its WOULDN'T be terrible either. As it turns out, everything they've done since then has truly sucked, so this comes out as the subsequent diamond in the rough.


It's fine, nigga.

op writing like a mug n' shiz'nit. go'on nah

"JFK used one a them mugz" in regards to a bullet sex toy is one of my favorite lines.

your among friends Ritchie.... remember ? when he cut his wrists in "my bodyguard" ... tss tss ... fawk you linderman!

I unironically love the chip podacast

At least it's something different than trying to recreate 80s/90s shockjock radio or trying to be like any other bland talk show. I honestly wish there were more shows like the Chip podcast. Norton should be careful not to beat this thing into the ground though.

I think he should just become chip fulltime 24/7

I agree with most of everything except for 10, Lenny just sits there

i thought everyone liked it

its all radio (hack) trick

  • everyone likes something - you make a post saying "hey why is everyone hating on this" - boom, everybody upvotes (calls in radio) - and you get your upvotes of people defending what they like - you go home happy thinking you accomplished something.

It gets "THIS ISN'T CHIP!" shit because Norton has made him a little different.

I don't get that complaint at all, it's more of an expansion of the character

yeah cant wait for the episode with fight "savage" fighterson on


The fact that a stupid show like this came out of nowhere and is doing well means that the ending to O&A is relatively sad.

Would I be out of line if I said that I wanted to insert my tongue into the place where Lauren's poopie comes out?


We don't tolerate that kind of sexist language in this sub, buddy. It objectifies women and we don't go for that here.

Cut that out that's vulguh

I agree but Lenny needs to fuck off. A "comedian" can only bring up his wife during a performance so many times before he completely loses me.

Again, I'm not saying he's not a hole. He's stand-able at best

He isn't needed at all. You have Sam to do the role he's always done picking apart what Chip says and Lauren to be the brunt of Chip's frustration. Kenny is just awkwardly there offering nothing. A rotating comic should be in his seat.

Remember when Ralphie did that on an appearance (may have been his last in-studio appearance) after he was married? "My wife...." "My wife says..." "My wife does....."

You mean, you didn't like it when Chip got: Gina'd ?

Or when he posed the question, "My wife asked me if I could have dinner with Jim or Chip, who would it be? I said Jim but my wife said the correct answer is Chip" ?

(That dud Lenny. Fuck did he stink. That has to be Jimmy trying to do a solid for a nice guy... who probably laughs at Chip & could really use any exposure.....but turned out to be a fucking skunk on the podacast).

You're being too hard on The Chip Chipperson Podacast

Who, exactly? I honestly don't think I have more than a single digit number of faggots on ignore. These dumb shits must be making threads every day hating it and logging into to their fag alts to upvote them.

It's not every day, maybe one a week, but there are "This isn't Chip!" threads.

I've loved and laughed at every episode so far. You know what, gang, I think some people will never be happy no matter what happens. It's okay to smile, buddies!

Yeah, anything Jim & Anthony do together is always solid.

Who was having a go at the Chip Podacast? I laugh a lot every episode.

Athough it does have some funny moments its a waste to have jim with Ant, bobby and colin then have jim do chip the entire time.

He didn't have much interest doing something with Colin as himself. He talked to him for 3 minutes and then ignored him to slobber over that drunk porn whore.

If you're shitting on the podacast, then you really are just a miserable piece of fucking dog shit.

It has gotten better with each episode - my favorite is still #4 with CQ. If you're complaining about this show- and you were a fan of Chip - then you really have become a weird cunt.

Pointing out certain things (i.e. Lenny being a dud) - that's normal. But if you're shitting on the entire Podcast - then you are really just a pissy awful cunt.

i hate most of the phone guests

It'd be nice if all their own shows could be this good. who knew all it took was for them all to be in the same room together as they used to be. except for tits.

real here: I would love to kill an hour while hung over or bored out of my mind listening to it. I may even go out of my way to. The problem is that it has that guy Sam on the show. I stopped listening to O&A xm era before he became a big part as an intern personality, so I don't have any biases or thoughts until recently when he started JAM show.. I find something wrong in the core of his personality.. it's worse than him not being funny enough. Like he is a genuinely bad person. I can't put my finger on it, but as long as he's involved with anything Ant or Jim do in the future i'll have to abstain

That's just your instincts correctly telling you that Sam is a rat fuck cunt. Don't let his presence preclude you from enjoying an amusing show.

Its funny, but watching Jim read of the paper in his desk kind of takes me out of it. Watching everyone in the room extremely uncomfortable during the phonecalls is pretty great, Chip makes the whole room cringe and watching them all try not to laugh in the mic cracks me up.

Isn't that the point of the paper? Thats where Chip has written down his "quick witted jokes"?

Now if only you can make a list as why you should kill yourself, fucking nerd

It has potential as long as he dosent do any more of the lame hack oh I got the president on the phone type skits.

So you like the tired fucking format.. Ant made the most hacky joke.... "I wish that was you" when someone said something about dying. This insult or self deprecating riff is fucking lame. It's 2002 funny

Tsaa tsaa what are you Stephen Kings or something cuz you be writing a novel up in this mug


Means zero coming from me, but great post!

Is it fawkin' hilarious?

I dunno at this point I think the character is very stale and auto-pilot but I'm glad most are tickled pink by it (lord knows enough things get virulently hated around here).

The best part about the podacast? No opie.

I really like it. It's actually getting better.

I agree. The last one with Travis, Ant and thing on was the best show I've heard in awhile.

I wish he'd spend less time with the guests or go longer. But I've liked each one so far.

I gotta say: Picking random guests from the podunk parts of Palookaville is great on his part, because they'll just put up with nonsense to promote their crap.

You on dat adderall bwoy?

I thought the podacast was getting good reviews from the sub. I certainly enjoy seeing Ant and Jim together again.

"JFK used one a them mugz" in regards to a bullet sex toy is one of my favorite lines.

I gotta say: Picking random guests from the podunk parts of Palookaville is great on his part, because they'll just put up with nonsense to promote their crap.